Ephemeroptera Galactica

Michael D. Hubbard Bibliography
of the Ephemeroptera


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Cada CA. 2004. Interactions between the invasive New Zealand mud snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, baetid mayflies, and fish predators. M.S. Thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman. 126 pp. PDF

Cadwallader PL. 1975. Feeding habits of two fish species in relation to invertebrate drift in a New Zealand river. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 9(1):11-26. [1.1 Mb] PDF

Cadwallader PL. 1975. The food of the New Zealand common river galaxias, Galaxias vulgaris Stokell (Pisces: Salmoniformes). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 26(1):15-30. PDF

Cadwallader PL; Eden AK. 1977. Effect of a total solar eclipse on invertebrate drift in Snobs Creek, Victoria. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 28:799-805. PDF

Cairns Jr J; Dickson KL. 1971. A simple method for the biological assessment of the effects of waste discharges on aquatic bottom-dwelling organisms. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 43:755-772.

Cairns Jr J; Dickson KL. 1976. Assuring ecological integrity in water developments. Transactions of the 41st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference pp 163-176.

Caldwell BA; Wiersema NA. 2002. New records and observations for parasitic chironomid midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) and their mayfly (Ephemeroptera) hosts. Entomological News 113(1):11-14. PDF

Callisto M; Esteves FA; Gonçalves JF; Leal JJF. 1998. Impact of bauxite tailings on the distribution of benthic macrofauna in a small river ('igarapé') in Central Amazonia, Brazil. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 71(4):447-455. PDF

Callisto M; Goulart MDC. 2000. Phoretic association between Nanocladius (Plecopteracoluthus) sp. (Chironomidae: Diptera) and Thraulodes sp. (Leptophlebiidae: Ephemeroptera). Anais da Sociedade Entomol. Brasil 29:605-608. [2.4 Mb] PDF

Callisto M; Goulart M. 2005. Invertebrate drift along a longitudinal gradient in a Neotropical stream in Serra do Cipó National Park, Brazil. Hydrobiologia 539:47-56. PDF

Callisto M; Goulart M; Barbosa FAR; Rocha O. 2005. Biodiversity assessment of benthic macroinvertebrates along a reservoir cascade in the lower Săo Francisco River (Northeastern Brazil). Brazilian Journal of Biology 65(2):1-6. PDF

Callisto M; Goulart M; Medeiros AO; Moreno P; Rosa CA. 2005. Diversity assessment of benthic macroinvertebrates, yeasts, and microbiological indicators along a longitudinal fradient in Serra do Cipó, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology 64(4):743-755. PDF

Calloni. 1889. Migration swarm of Ephemeridae. Bull. Ent. Ital. 21:39-43.

Calori L. 1848. Sulla generazione vivipara della Cloe diptera (Effemera diptera Linn.) osservazioni. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali (Bologna) (2)9:38-53, pl. 2-3 [plates lacking]. [3.2 Mb] PDF

Calori L. 1877. Sur la génération vivipare du Cloe diptera (Ephemera diptera Linn.). Traduit de l'italien et annoté par le Docteur Émile Joly. Bulletin de la Société d'Étude des Sciences Naturelles de Nimes 5(8):3-28, pl. 2-3. [1.5 Mb] PDF

Camargo C; Rozo MP. 2003. Colombian Darien Ephemeroptera. Pages 291-292 in Gaino E. (ed). Research update on Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera. Universitŕ di Perugia. Perugia, Italy. PDF

Camousseight-M A. 1980. Catálog de los tipos de Insecta depositados en la colección del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Santiago, Chile). Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Publicación Ocasional No. 32:1-45, 1 map. [3.8 Mb] PDF

Camousseight A. 2001. Ephemeroptera (Insecta) de Chile. Su conocimiento actual. Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile 50:121-137. PDF

Camousseight A. 2006. Estado de conocimiento de los Ephemeroptera de Chile. Current state of knowledge of Ephemeroptera of Chile. Gayana 70(1):50-56. PDF

Camousseight A; Fontaine J. 1990. The biological cycle of Baetis pentaphlebodes, Ujhelyi 1966, in an old meander of the Rhone River, France (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Pages 27-34 in Campbell IC. 1990. Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life histories and biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. [1.0 Mb] PDF

Campbell I. 1978. A biological investigation of an organically polluted urban stream in Victoria. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 29(3):275-291. PDF

Campbell IC. 1980. Diurnal variations in the activity of Mirawara purpurea Riek (Ephemeroptera, Siphlonuridae) in the Aberfeldy River, Victoria Australia. Pages 297-308 in Flannigan JF; Marshall KE. Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology. Plenum Press, New York. PDF

Campbell IC. 1981. Biogeography of some rheophilous aquatic insects in the Australian Region. Aquatic Insects 3(1):33-43. PDF

Campbell IC. 1983. Life history studies of Australian siphlonurid and oligoneuriid mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Pacific Science Congress Proceedings. 15:33.

Campbell IC. 1985. Dietary habits of Australian siphlonurid and oligoneuriid ephemeropteran nymphs. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 22:3250-3259. PDF

Campbell IC. 1986. Life histories of some Australian siphlonurid and oligoneuriid mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 37:261-288. [1.1 Mb] PDF

Campbell IC. 1988. Ephemeroptera. Zoological Catalog of Australia 6:1-22.

Campbell IC. 1990. The Australian mayfly fauna: Composition, distribution and convergance [sic]. Pages 149-153 in Campbell IC. 1990. Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life histories and biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. PDF

Campbell IC. 1990. Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life histories and biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. HTML

Campbell IC. 1991. Size allometry in some Australian mayfly nymphs (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Aquatic Insects 13(2):79-86. PDF

Campbell IC. 1993. A new genus and species of leptophlebiid mayfly (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from tropical Australia. Aquatic Insects 15(3):159-167. PDF

Campbell IC. 1995. The life histories of three tropical species of Jappa Harker (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) in the Mitchell River system, Queensland, Australia. Pages 197-206 in Corkum LD; Ciborowski JJH. Current Directions in Research on Ephemeroptera. Canadian Scholars' Press, Inc. Toronto. PDF

Campbell IC. 2001. The current status of Ephemeroptera biology in Australia. Pages 7-12 in Domínguez E. Trends in Research in Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. New York. PDF

Campbell IC; Duncan MJ; Swadling KM. 1990. Life histories of some Ephemeroptera from Victoria, Australia. Pages 81-84 in Campbell IC. 1990. Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life histories and biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. PDF

Campbell IC; Holt MK. 1984. The life history of Kirrara procera Harker (Ephemeroptera) in two southeastern Australian rivers. Pages 299-305 in Landa V; Soldán T; Tonner M. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Ephemeroptera. Institute of Entomology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ceské Budejovice. PDF

Campbell IC; Hubbard MD. 1998. A new species of Prosopistoma (Ephemeroptera: Prosopistomatidae) from Australia. Aquatic Insects 20:141-148. PDF

Campbell IC; Peters WL. 1986. Redefinition of Kirrara Harker with a redescription of Kirrara procera Harker (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae). Aquatic Insects 8(2):71-81. PDF

Campbell IC; Peters WL. 1993. A revision of the Australian Ephemeroptera genus Atalomicria Harker (Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae). Aquatic Insects 15(2):89-107. [1.0 Mb] PDF

Campbell IC; Suter PJ. 1988. Three new genera, a new subgenus and a new species of Leptophlebiidae (Ephemeroptera) from Australia. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 27:259-273. [1.0 Mb] PDF

Campbell RNB. 1985. Comparison of the drift of live and dead Baetis nymphs in a weakened water current. Hydrobiologia 126:229-36.

Campion H. 1923. On the use of the generic name Brachycercus in Plectoptera and Orthoptera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)11:515-518. PDF

Candida Carnevali MD; Saita A. 1975. Ultrastructural pattern differences in some muscle fibres of nimphal [sic] Ephemera danica (Ephemeroptera). Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology 7:219-230. PDF

Canton SP; Chadwick JW. 1983. Seasonal and longitudinal changes in invertebrate functional groups in the Dolores River, Colorado. Freshwater Invertebrate Biology 2(1):41-47. PDF

Carbone J; Keller W; Griffiths RW. 1998. Effects of changes in acidity on aquatic insects in rocky littoral habitats of lakes near Sudbury, Ontario. Restoration Ecology 6:376-389. [4.7 Mb] PDF

Carbonell CS. 1959. Vuelos diurnos de efemeridos del genero Asthenopodes. Rev. Soc. Uruguaya Ent. 3:61-66. PDF

Carey JR. 2002. Longevity minimalists: life table studies of two species of northern Michigan adult mayflies. Experimental Gerontology 37:567-570. PDF

Carl M. 1989. [Aquatic insects from Iraq: Their reproduction and habitats (Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Heteroptera, Coleoptera, Diptera)]. Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 38(1):12-20.

Carlander KD; Carlson CA; Gooch V; Wenke T. 1967. Populations of Hexgenia mayfly naiads in Pool 19, Mississippi River, 1959-1963. Ecology 48:873-878. PDF

Carle FL. 1977. Description of a new species of Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from Virginia. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 70(5):711-714. PDF

Carle FL. 1978. A new species of Ameletus (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae) from western Virginia. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 71(4):581-584. PDF

Carle FL; Lewis PA. 1978. A new species of Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from eastern North America. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 71(3):285-288. PDF

Carlisle DM; Clements WH. 2003. Growth and secondary production of aquatic insects along a gradient of Zn contamination in Rocky Mountain streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 22:582-597. PDF

Carlson CA. 1966. Effects of three organophosphorus insecticides on immature Hexagenia and Hydropsyche of the upper Mississippi River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 95(1):1-5. PDF

Carlson CA. 1968. Summer bottom fauna of the Mississippi River, above Dam 19, Keokuk, Iowa. Ecology 49(1):162-169. PDF

Carlson D. 1972. Comparative value of black light and cool white lamps in attracting insects to aquatic traps. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 45(2):194-199. PDF

Carlson PH. 1971. Emergence and seasonal distribution of Ephemeroptera from Wildcat Creek, Pickens County, South Carolina. Master's Thesis, Clemson University. 86 pp.

Carlson PH. 1973. Seasonal distribution of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Wildcat Creek, Pickens County, South Carolina. Pages 205-208 in Peters WL; Peters JG. Proceedings of the first international conference on Ephemeroptera. E.J. Brill, Leiden. PDF

Carlson PH. 1980. Ephemeroptera. In Aquatic insects of Upper Three Runs Creek, Savannah River Plant, South Carolina, edited by J. C. Morse, J. W. Chapin, D. D. Herlong, and R. S. Harvey. Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society 15:81-83.

Carnevali MDC; Saita A. 1975. Ultrastructural pattern differences in some muscle fibers of nymphal Ephemera danica (Ephemeroptera). Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology 7(2):219-230.

Carnevali MDC; Saita A. 1979. Atypical myofilament arrangement in some abdominal muscles of mayfly nymphs. Pages 273-277, 3 pl. in Pasternak K; Sowa R. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ephemeroptera. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa-Kraków. [2.5 Mb] PDF

Carpenter FM. 1932. Jurassic Insects from Solenhofen in the Carnegie Museum and the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 21:97-129. PDF

Carpenter FM. 1933. Order Plectoptera. Pages 487-501 in The Lower Permian insects of Kansas. Part 6. Delopteridae, Protelytroptera, Plectoptera and a new collection of Protodonata, Odonata, Megasecoptera, Homoptera, and Psocoptera. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 68(11):411-503, 1 pl. PDF

Carpenter FM. 1938. Two carboniferous insects from the vicinity of Mazon Creek, Illinois. American Journal of Science (5)36:445-452. PDF

Carpenter FM. 1939. The Lower Permian insects of Kansas. Part 8. Additional Megasecoptera, Protodonata, Odonata, Homoptera, Psocoptera, Protoelytroptera, Plectoptera, and Protoperlaria. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 73:29-70, 2 pl. [4.2 Mb] PDF

Carpenter FM. 1947. Early insect life. Psyche 54:65-85. PDF

Carpenter FM. 1963. Studies on Carboniferous insects from Commentry, France: Part IV. The genus Triplosoba. Psyche 70(2):120-128. [1.5 Mb] PDF

Carpenter FM. 1980. Lower Permian insects from Oklahoma: Part 2. Orders Ephemeroptera and Palaeodictyoptera. Psyche (1979) 86:261-290. [8.7 Mb] PDF

Carpenter FM. 1987. Review of the extinct family Syntonopteridae (Order uncertain). Psyche 94:373-388. [6.5 Mb] PDF

Carpenter FM. 1992. Infraclass Palaeoptera. Order Uncertain. Pages 89-92 in Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas. Boulder, Colorado and Lawrence, Kansas. Part R. Arthropoda 4. Volume 3: Superclass Hexapoda. PDF

Carpenter FM. 1992. Order Ephemeroptera. pp 19-26 in Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas. Boulder, Colorado and Lawrence, Kansas. Part R. Arthropoda 4. Volume 3: Superclass Hexapoda. PDF

Carter CE; Wood RB. 1995. The winter macrobenthos of the Clogh River System, Northern Ireland. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 10(4):361-366. PDF

Carvalho EM de; Uieda VS. 2004. Colonizaçăo por macroinvertebrados bentônicos em substrato artificial e natural em um riacho da serra de Itatinga, Săo Paula, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 21(2):287-293. [463 kb] PDF

Carvalho EM de; Uieda VS. 2006. Colonization routes of benthic macroinvertebrates in a stream in southeast Brazil. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 18(4):367-376. [1.9 Mb] PDF

Casado C; Montes C; Garcia de Jalón D; Soriano O. 1990. Contribución al estudio faunístico del bentos fluvial del Río Lozoya (Sierra De Guadarrama, Espańa). Limnética 6:87-100. PDF

Casas JJ; Zamora-Muńoz C; Archila F; Alba-Tercedor J. 2000. The effect of a headwater dam on the use of leaf bags by invertebrate communities. Regulated Rivers: Research and Managemnt 16:577-591. PDF

Casey R J. 1987. Diel periodicity in density of Ephemeroptera nymphs on stream substrata and the relationship with drift and selected abiotic factors. Canadian Journal of Zoology 65(12):2945-2952. PDF

Casey RJ; Clifford HF. 1989. Colonization of natural substrata of different roughness and colour by Ephemeroptera nymphs using retrieval and direct observation techniques. Hydrobiologia 173(3):185-192. PDF

Caspers H. 1953. Die Bodentierwelt und Biologie des Hamburrger Alsterbeckens uind der Stadtkanäle (Quantitative Untersuchungen zur Kennzeichnung eines Stadtsees). Hamburg. Zoologisches Staatsintitut und oologische Museum, Mitteilungen 52:9-?.

Caspers N. 1972. Ökologische Untersuchung der Invertebratenfauna von Waldbächen des Naturparkes Kottenforst-Ville). Decheniana 125(1/2):189-219. [1.0 Mb] PDF

Caspers N. 1975. Kalorische Werrte der dominierenden Inverebraten zweier Waldbäche des Naturparkes Kottenforst-Ville. Caloric values of the most abundant invertebrates of two wooldland=brooklets of the "Naturpark Kottenforst-Ville". Archiv für Hydrobiologie 75(4):484-489. PDF

Caspers N. 1975. Untersuchungen über Individuendichte, Biomasse und kalorische Äquivalente des Makrobenthos eines Waldbaches. Investigations on the abundance, the biomass and the caloric equivalents of the makrobenthos in a woodland-brooklet. Int. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol. 60(4):557-566.

Caspers N. 1976. Weitere Beiträge zur Invertebratenfauna der Waldbäche des Naturparks Kottenforst-Ville. Decheniana 129:92-95. PDF

Caspers N. 1980. Die Makrozoobenthos-Gesellschaften des Rheins bei Bonn. Decheniana 133:93-106. PDF

Cather MR; Harp GL. 1975. The aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of an Ozark and a deltaic stream. Arkansas Academy of Science Proceedings 29:30-35. PDF

Caudill CC. 2002. Metapopulation biology of the mayfly Callibaetis ferrugineus hageni in high elevation beaver ponds. Ph.D. Thesis; Cornell University. download

Caudill CC. 2003. Empirical evidence for nonselective recruitment and a source–sink dynamic in a mayfly metapopulation. Ecology 84:2119-2132. PDF

Caudill CC. 2003. Measuring dispersal in a metapopulation using stable isotope enrichment: high rates of sex-biased dispersal between patches in a mayfly metapopulation. Oikos 101:624-630. PDF

Caudill CC. 2005. Trout predators and demographic sources and sinks in a mayfly metapopulation. Ecology 86:935-946. PDF

Caudill CC; Peckarsky BL. 2003. Lack of appropriate behavioral or developmental responses by mayfly larvae to trout predators. Ecology 84:2133-2144. PDF

Causard M. 1896. Sur un Éphémčre vivipare. Comptes Rendues de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris 1896:705-708. [1.5 Mb] PDF [translated in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 18:480-482.

Causard M. 1898. Sur la rôle de l'air dans la derničre mue des nymphes aquatiques. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 1898:258-261. PDF

Cavaletto JF; Nalepa TF; Fanslow DL; Schloesser DW. 2003. Temporal variation of energy reserves in mayfly nymphs (Hexagenia spp.) from Lake St Clair and western Lake Erie. Freshwater Biology 48:1726-1738. PDF

Cayrou J; Céréghino R. 2003. Life history, growth and secondary production of Caenis luctuosa and Cloeon simile (Ephemeroptera) in a small pond, S.W. France. Aquatic Insects 25(3):191-201. [1.2 Mb] PDF

Cayrou J; Céréghino R. 2005. Life-cycle phenology of some aquatic insects: implications for pond conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 15: 559-571. PDF

Celis JF de; Diaz-Benjuma FJ. 2003. Developmental basis for vein pattern variations in insect wings. International Journal of Developmental Biology 47:653-663. PDF

Céréghino R; Giraudel JL; Compin A. 2001. Spatial analysis of stream invertebrates distribution in the Adour-Garonne drainage basin (France), using Kohonen self organizing maps. Ecological Modelling 146:167-180. [1.1 Mb] PDF

Céréghino R; Lavandier P. 1998. Influence of hypolimnetic hydropeaking on the distribution and population dynamics of Ephemeroptera in a mountain stream. Freshwater Biology 40:385-399. PDF

Céréghino R; Legalle M; Lavandier P. 2004. Drift and benthic population structure of the mayfly Rhithrogena semicolorata (Heptageniidae) under natural and hydropeaking conditions. Hydrobiologia 519:127-133. PDF

Chacón MM; Pescador ML; Hubbard MD; Segnini S. 2009. Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Venezuela. Check List 5(3):723–731. PDF

Chacón MM; Pescador ML; Segnini S. 2010. The adult and redefinition of the genus Prebaetodes Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), with description of a new species from Venezuela. Aquatic Insects 32(2):143–157. PDF

Chacón MM; Segnini S. 1996. Reconocimiento taxonómico de las náyades del orden Ephemeroptera en la deriva de dos ríos de alta montańa el estado Mérida, Venezuela. Boletin Entomologica de Venezuela, N.S., 11(2):103-122.

Chacón MM; Segnini S; Domínguez E. 1999. Three new species of Thraulodes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from Venezuela. Aquatic Insects 21:249-257. PDF

Chadwick MA; Feminella JW. 2001. Influence of salinity and temperature on the growth and production of a freshwater mayfly in the Lower Mobile River, Alabama. Limnology and Oceanography 46:532-542. [1.8 Mb] PDF

Chadwick MA; Hunter H; Feminella JW; Henry RP. 2002. Salt and water balance in Hexagenia limbata (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) when exposed to brackish water. Florida Entomologist 85:650-651. PDF

Chaffee DL; Tarter DC. 1979. Life history and ecology of Baetisca bajkovi Neave, in Beech Fork of Twelvepole Creek, Wayne County, West Virginia (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae). Psyche 86:53-61. PDF

Chaisemartin C. 1976. Chromate sensitivity of larva nymphs from the macrobenthos Ecdyonurus venosus venosus (Ephemeroptera) and Cordulia aena (Odonatoptera). Annales d'Hydrobiologie 7(1):67-68.

Chaloner DR; Lamberti GA; Merritt RW; Mitchell NL; Ostrom PH; Wipfli MS. 2004. Variation in responses to spawning Pacific salmon among three south-eastern Alaska streams. Freshwater Biology 49:587-599. PDF

Chalov SP; Chebanova VV; Leman VN; Peskov KA. 2005. Technogenic changes in bed of a salmon stream and their impact on macrozoobenthos community and salmonid (southeastern branches of the Koryak Range). Vladimir Ya. Levanidov's Biennial Memorial Meetings 3:36-48. PDF

Chandler DS; Whitmore GD; Burian SK; Burger JF. 2006. The mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of New Hampshire: seasonality and diversity of the stream fauna. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 132(1-2):25-73. PDF

Chang J.J. 1951. Regeneration of leg and tracheal gill of an ephemerid naiad Paraleptophlebia chocolata Imanishi, Baetidae. Chinese Journal of Experimental Biology 3(2): 97-107.

Chapman DW; Demory RL. 1963. Seasonal changes in the food ingested by aquatic insect larvae and nymphs in two Oregon streams. Ecology 44(1):140-146. PDF

Chapman RN. 1918. The basal connections of the tracheae of the wings of insects. Pages 27-? in Comstock JH (ed.), The wings of insects. The Comstock Publishing Company.

Charbonneau P; Hare L. 1998. Burrowing behavior and biogenic structures of mud-dwelling insects. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 17:239-249. [1.3 Mb] PDF

Chaston I. 1958. Endogenous activity as a factor in invertebrate drift. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 64(3):324-334. PDF

Chaston I. 1969. The light threshold controlling the periodicty of invertebrate drift. Journal of Animal Ecology 38(1):171-180. [1.1 Mb] PDF

Chebanova VV; Ulatov AV; Leman VN; Golobokova VN. 2003. Species composition and structure of macrozoobenthos in watersheds of the Mutnovskiy parahydroterms (Mutnovskiy Vulcano, South-Eastern Kamchatka). Vladimir Ya. Levanidov's Biennial Memorial Meetings 2:81-90. PDF

Che Salmah MR; Amelia ZS; Abu Hassan A. 2001. Preliminary distribution of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) in Kerian River Basin, Perak, Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 24(2):101-107. [3.8 Mb] PDF

Cherchesova CK. 2003. Sostav i racprostranenie amfibioticheckikh nacekomikh v basseine Reki Dyur-Dyur. Trudi Russkogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva 74:55-58. [in Russian] PDF

Chernova OA. 1970. On the classification of the fossil and recent Ephemeroptera. Ent. Obozr 49:124-145. (in Russian).

Cherry DS; Guthrie RK; Sherberger FF; Larrick SR. 1979. The influence of coal ash and thermal discharges upon the distribution and bioaccumulation of aquatic invertebrates. Hydrobiologia 62:257-267.

Chessman BC. 1986. Dietary studies of aquatic insects from two Victorian rivers. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 37:129-146. PDF

Chessman BC; Boulton AC. 1999. Occurrence of the mayfly family Teloganodidae in northern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Entomology 38:96-98. PDF

Chessman BC; Robinson DP. 1987. Some effects of the 1982-83 drought on water quality and macroinvertebrate fauna in the lower LaTrobe River, Victoria. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38:289-299. PDF

Chessman BC; Robinson DP; Hortle KG. 1987. Changes in the riffle macroinvertebrate fauna of the Tanjil River, southeastern Australia, during construction of Blue Rock Dam. Regulated Rivers Research and Management 1:317-329. PDF

Chillasse L; Dakki M. 2004. Potentialités et statuts de conservation des zones humides du Moyen-Atlas (Maroc), avec référence aux influences de la sécheresse. Étude de cas. Sécheresse 15(4):337-345. PDF

Chino Y. 1975. [On the aquatic insect communites in shore zones and influents as well as effluents of lakes in Shinshu. New Entomologist 24(1):8-17.

Chopra B. 1924. The fauna of an island in the Chilka Lake. The Ephemeroptera of Barkuda Island. Records of the Indian Museum 26(5):415-422. PDF

Chopra B. 1927. The Indian Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). Part I. - The sub-order Ephemeroidea: Families Palingeniidae and Polymitarcidae. Records of the Indian Museum 29(2):91-138, pl. 8-10. [3.1 Mb] PDF

Chovet M; Fontaine J; Lécureuil J-Y. 1984. Le genre Ephemerella Walsh dans le bassin de la Loire: Presence de deux espčces, nouvelles pour la France: E. notata Eaton et E. mesoleuca (Brauer) (Ephéméroptčres, Ephemerellidae). Pages 117-126 in Landa V; Soldán T; Tonner M. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Ephemeroptera. Institute of Entomology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ceské Budejovice. PDF

Chovet M; Lécureuil J-Y. 2000. Les Éphémčres de la région Centre (France). Ephemera (1999) 1(2):131-142. PDF

Chovet M; Lécureuil J-Y. 2001. Additions ŕ la faune des Éphémčres de France (7): Oligoneuriella pallida (Hagen, 1855) Ephemeroptera, Oligoneuriidae. Ephemera (2000) 2(2):125-130. PDF

Christidis F. 2001. A cladistic analysis of Austrophlebioides and related genera (Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae). Pages 305-312 in Domínguez E. Trends in Research in Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. New York. PDF

Christidis F. 2005. Phylogenetic relationships of the Australian Leptophlebiidae (Ephemeroptera). Invertebrate Systematics 19(6):531-539. PDF

Christidis F. 2009. Riekophlebia crocina, a new genus and species of Atalophlebiinae (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from the Wet Tropicsl bioregion of north-eastern Australia. Zootaxa 2063:64-68. PDF

Christidis F; Dean JC. 2005. Three new species of Austrophlebioides Campbell and Suter (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from the Wet Tropics bioregion of north-eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Entomology 44:132-143. [2.4 mb] PDF

Christidis F; Dean JC. 2008. Phylogeny and distribution of the mayfly genus Austrophlebioides Campbell & Suter (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). Invertebrate Systematics 22(1):17-28. PDF

Christman VD; Voshell Jr JR. 1992. Life history, growth, and production of Ephemeroptera in experimental ponds. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 85(6):705-712.

Chung K. 2005. The life cycle and secondary production of Cincticostella levanidovae (Tshernova) collected from a headwater stream in Mt. Jumbong, Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 8(4):367-374.

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