Michael D. Hubbard Bibliography
of the Ephemeroptera
Virtual Library and Working Bibliography of Literature on the
Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of the World
Now incorporating The Virtual Library - On-Line Publications on Mayflies
Recent Additions - updates to the Virtual Library.
founded by Michael D. Hubbard
maintained by the Permanent Committee of the International Conferences on Ephemeroptera
Usage Agreement || Acknowledgments
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Help! Please help us improve the bibliography by supplying us with bibliographic data that completes, corrects or adds to the existing bibliographic citations. Data provided by users will be incorporated into future editions at the earliest opportunity. Colleagues, please send reprints of your Ephemeroptera-related papers to the EG webmaster as they are published so that they can be included in new versions of the bibliography.
This is a working bibliography and as such, has errors and omissions (Oh, yes, it has errors and omissions!). Not all references have been seen in the original and checked for accuracy. Please let us know of mistakes as you discover them. Sending a list of your Ephemeroptera publications will ensure that your work is listed. Contributions of bibliographies from colleagues will help expand the coverage of this bibliography.
There is a small problem with some "accent marks" and non-English characters, particularly from eastern European languages. Unfortunately, this is a problem intrinsic to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and certain browsers.
Searching. This bibliography can be searched for any name or phrase by using the "find" command of your browser.
Usage Agreement
The Bibliography of the Ephemeroptera represents hundreds of hours of bibliographic work undertaken over a period of many years. The text of the bibliography made available here represents the equivalent of an unpublished, non-peer-reviewed manuscript. I wish to make the information contained in the bibliography freely and widely available to the Ephemeroptera research community for the purposes of facilitating and stimulating research on mayflies. The allowable uses of the bibliography are specified below. All other uses and rights are reserved by the author. By using the bibliography, users agree to accept and conscientiously follow these usage guidelines.
- The bibliography may be used by researchers as a searchable tool to aid in the location of literature relevant to their studies.
- The bibliography may be used by researchers as a reference source for bibliographic data included in "References Cited", or similar portions of publications.
- Researchers may produce printed, machine-readable, or other-media copies of the bibliography, either in part or in full, for the purposes of facilitating and stimulating research on Ephemeroptera. Researchers may distribute copies to others for the same purposes without the author's explicit approval. Such copies may not be sold for profit, but distributors may charge third parties for production and distribution costs (e.g., disks, paper, photocopying, postage, etc.).
- Where a researcher believes that data obtained from the bibliography has been of substantial value in facilitating a research project, the researcher will cite the bibliography in the "References Cited" section of any publications resulting from the research project. Such citations will help to advertise the bibliography.
- The author reserves the right to publish the bibliography in its entirety (or in substantial part) in all media. Individuals and organizations that use or receive full or partial copies of the bibliography agree that such copies will not be used as the basis for the production or publication (in any medium) of another bibliography of the Ephemeroptera, including "subbibliographies" of any of its included taxa or specialized subject areas. Anyone wanting to use data from the bibliography to produce more restrictive subbibliographies should contact the author.
- The data contained in the bibliography may not be incorporated in their entirety (or in substantial part) into any other bibliographic file or database without the prior written approval of the author. Researchers may maintain full or partial copies of the bibliography on their personal computers to allow rapid, searchable, access to the bibliography, but such files may not be corrected or supplemented, as this would amount to using this bibliography to produce another bibliography of the Ephemeroptera. Users are requested to send corrections and additions to the webmaster of EG so that they may be included in subsequent versions of the bibliography, and thus benefit the entire mayfly community.
This bibliography was founded by Michael D. Hubbard. Many colleagues have contributed to this bibliography over the years. Their help is greatly appreciated. Of special importance is the work on literature awareness which has been done by George F. Edmunds, Jr, Janice G. Peters, and Peter Grant.