Catalogs of Ephemeroptera
Ephemeroptera Galactica
In order to help mayfly researchers, we list here various on-line catalogs of the Ephemeroptera which we hope that you will find useful. Please report any errors or other feedback to the webmasters listed on each catalog.
- Africa
- Mayflies of Eastern Central Africa [updated 13 February 2015]
- Antarctica
- Asia
- Checklist of Chinese Mayflies
- Ephemeroptera - Fauna of Karelii
- Mayflies of Hong Kong
- Ephemeroptera- Aquatic Insects of Korea
- Mayflies of the Kuril Islands
- Mayflies of the Philippines
- Australia - New Zealand
- Central America
- Europe
- Fauna Ibérica - Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands
- Fauna Europea
searchable list of European mayflies - Checklist of the German Ephemeroptera
- Ephémères de France
- List of Italian Ephemeroptera
in Fauna Italia - Species represented in East-European Plain
- British Isles - Ephemeroptera Recording Scheme
- North America
- Ephemeroptera of British Columbia
Ephemeroptera (Mayflies) of Michigan
Aquatic Insects of Michigan by Ethan Bright, Museum of Zoology Insect Division and School of Natural Resources and Environment University of Michigan - Mayflies of Mississippi
- Mayflies of North America
- Mayflies of North and South Carolina
- Mayflies of the Southeastern United States
- Mayflies of Texas
- Mayflies of the United States
- Montana species list
- South America
Page contents last modified on 17 March 2021