Fifth International Conference on Ephemeroptera
Marysville, Australia
18-24 February 1987
Proceedings published as:
Campbell IC. 1990. Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life histories and biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Introduction. p ix.
Brittain JE. Life history strategies in Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. pp 1-12.
Alba-Tercedor J. Life cycles and ecology of some species of Ephemeroptera from Spain. pp 13-16.
Bretschko G. A flexible larval development strategy in Siphlonurus aestivalis Eaton exploiting an unstable biotope. pp 17-25.
Camousseight A; Fontaine J. The biological cycle of Baetis pentaphlebodes, Ujhelyi 1966, in an old meander of the Rhone River, France (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). pp 27-34.
Hawkins CP. Relationships between habitat dynamics food availability, and growth patterns of ephemerellid mayflies from western North America. pp 35-42.
Sanchez-Ortega A; Alba-Tercedor J. Life cycles of some species of Plecoptera In Sierra Nevada (South of Spain). pp 43-52.
Ritter H. Ephemeroptera emergence from a high mountain stream in Tyrol, Austria. pp 53-59.
Takemon Y. Timing and synchronicity of the emergence of Ephemera strigata. pp 61-70.
Yule CM. The life cycle and dietary habits of Illiesoperla mayi Perkins (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae) in Victoria, Australia. pp 71-80.
Campbell IC; Duncan MJ; Swadling KM. Life histories of some Ephemeroptera from Victoria, Australia. pp 81-84.
Suter PJ; Bishop JE. Post-oviposition development of eggs of South Australian mayflies. pp 85-94.
Mazzini M; Gaino E. Oogenesis and involvement of chorionic structures in ephemeropteran taxonomy. pp 95-104.
Beaver CJOP. Respiratory rate of mayfly nymphs in water with differing oxygen and ionic concentrations. pp 105-107.
Eriksen CH; Moeur JE. Respiratory functions of motile tracheal gills in Ephemeroptera nymphs, as exemplified by Siphlonurus occidentals Eaton. pp 109-118.
Rupprecht R. Can adult stoneflies utilize what they eat? pp 119-123.
Flowers RW. Ephemeroptera of the Fiji Islands. pp 125-133.
McLellan ID. Distribution of stoneflies in New Zealand. pp 135-140.
Zwick P. Transantarctic relationships in the Plecoptera. pp 141-148.
Campbell IC. The Australian mayfly fauna: composition, distribution and convergance. pp 149-153.
Allen RK. Distribution patterns of North and Central American mayflies (Ephemeroptera). pp 155-167.
Allen RK. The distribution of Southwest North American mayfly genera (Ephemeroptera) in the Mexican transition zone. pp 169-180.
Uchida S. Distribution of Plecoptera in the Tama-Gawa River System, Central Japan. pp 181-188.
Suter PJ; Bishop JE. Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Australia. pp 189-207.
Sivaramakrishnan KG; Venkataraman K. Abundance, altitudinal distribution and swarming of Ephemeroptera in Palni Hills, South India. pp 209-213.
Ward JV; Stanford JA. Ephemeroptera of the Gunnison River, Colorado, U.S.A. pp 215-220.
Dudgeon D. Determinants of the distribution and abundance of larval Ephemeroptera (Insecta) in Hong Kong running waters. pp 221-232.
Flannagan JF; Cobb DG; Friesen MK. The relationship between some physical factors and mayflies emerging from South Duck River and Cowan Creek, Manitoba. pp 233-242.
Fremling CR; Johnson DK, Recurrence of Hexagenia mayflies demonstrates improved water quality in Pool 2 and Lake Pepin, Upper Mississippi River. pp 243-248.
Henderson J; Hildrew AG; Townsend CR. Detritivorous stoneflies of an iron-rich stream: food and feeding. pp 249-254.
Puig MA; Sabater F; Malo J. Benthic and hyporheic faunas of mayflies and stoneflies in the Ter Tiver Basin (NE-Spain). pp 255-258.
Stewart KW; Maketon M. Intraspecific variation and information content of drumming in three Plecoptera species. pp 259-268.
Baker AD; Hawkins CP. Patch-specific variation in drift density of Baetis. pp 269-274.
Fontaine J; Castella E; Nelva A. Some aspects of the ecology of Leptophlebia vespertina (L.) (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). pp 275-280.
Leps J; Soldán T; Landa V. Prediction of changes in ephemeropteran communities - a transition matrix approach. pp 281-287.
Gillies MT; Elouard J-M. The mayfly-mussel association, a new example from the River Niger basin. pp 289-297.
Stark BP. Neoperla clymene revisited: systematics of the Nearctic species complexes (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp 299-310.
Lowen RG; Flannagan JF. The nymph and male of Centroptilum infrequens McD (Baetidae). pp 311-321.
Alba-Tercedor J. Siphlonurus ireneae sp. n. from Spain (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae). pp 323-326.
Peters WL; Edmunds Jr GF. A new genus and species of Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae from the Celebes (Sulawesi) (Ephemeroptera). pp 327-335.
Wais IR; de Cabo LI. A note on the nymphs of the genus Notoperla Enderlein 1909 (Plecoptera, Gripopterygidae, Leptoperlinae). pp 337-339.
Gillies MT; Knowles RJ. Colonization of a parthenogenetic mayfly (Caenidae: Ephemeroptera) from Central Africa. pp 341-345.
Froehlich CG. Size variation in Kempnyia (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp 347-350.
Hubbard MD; Flowers RW. Intersexuality and homeotic manifestation of secondary sexual characters in Baetodes (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae: Baetinae). pp 351-355.
Puig MA; Ferreras-Romero M; Garcia-Rojas A. Morphological variability of Tyrrhenoleuctra minuta (Klapalek, 1903) in South-Spain. pp 357-360.
Index. pp 361-366.