The Mayfly Newsletter
Official Web Site of the
Permanent Committee of the International Conferences on Ephemeroptera
The Mayfly Newsletter (ISSN 1091-4935) is the official newsletter of the Permanent Committee of the International Conferences on Ephemeroptera and is published to facilitate communication among ephemeropterists.
Its first volume was published 1990, and from then on long-time editor Peter Grant (Southwestern Oklahoma State University) updated ephemeropterists around the globe more than 25 years with useful information on mayflies and the mayfly community itself! From 2017 on, Donna Giberson (University of Prince Edward Island, Canada) has taken over the responsibility as editor-in-chief.
All issues are available for download at SWOSU Digital Commons!
Get more insight into the mayfly community and subscribe to the Mayfly Newsletter. Subscriptions to the newsletter are free. To place your name on the e-mailing list or to contribute information for the next issue, contact:
Dr. Donna Giberson
The Mayfly Newsletter
Department of Biology, University of Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown, PE Canada C1A 4P3
The fortcoming Joint Conference 2024 will be hosted in Torino from 21-26 July 2024. The second announcement is out!
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