Michael D. Hubbard Bibliography
of the Ephemeroptera
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Aagaard K; Baekken T; Jonsson B. 2002. Biologisk mangfold i ferskvann. Regional vurdering av sjeldne dyr og planter. NINA Ternahefte 21. 44pp. [3.5 Mb] PDF
Aagaard K; Solem JO; Bongard T; Hanssen O. 2004. Studies of aquatic insects in the Atna River 1987-2002. Hydrobiologia 521:87-105. PDF
Aagaard K; Solem JO; Nøst T; Hanssen O. 1997. The macrobenthos of the pristine stream, Skiftesåa, Høylandet, Norway. Hydrobiologia 348:81-94. PDF
Aanes K J. 1980. A preliminary report from a study on the environmental impact of pyrite mining and dressing in a mountain stream in Norway. Pages 419-442 in Flannigan JF; Marshall KE. Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology. Plenum Press, New York. PDF
Abbott CE. 1944. Fluorescence in Ephemerid larvae. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 39:95.
Abbott JC; Stewart KW; Moulton II SR. 1997. Aquatic insects of the Big Thicket Region of East Texas. Texas Journal of Sciences 49 Supplement:35-50. PDF
Abdu RM; Shaumar NF. 1985. A preliminary list of the insect fauna of Qatar. Qatar University Science Bulletin 5:215-232. PDF
Abelho M. 1996. Diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in Margaraca forest streams (Portugal). Limnética 12(2):93-101. PDF
Abell D.L. 1979.An analysis of the distribution and abundance of Baetis in the Kaweah River basin, California. Proc. 1st Conf. Sci. Res. National Parks, New Orleans, 1976, Vol.1, Washington: 595-597.
Abella García MA; González Núñez MJ. 1986. Variacion estacional de la fauna dulceacuicola del Alto Nalon, Asturias. Limnética 2:173-179. PDF
Abgrall J-F. 1966. Contribution à l'étude des Insectes Ephéméroptères de la Bretagne. Premières données faunistiques. Bulletin de la Société Scientifique de Bretagne 41(1-2):17-32. PDF
Adam G. 1991. Baetis liebenauae Keffermüller und Baetis pentaphlebodes Ujhelyi in Nordostbayern (Insecta, Ephemeroptera). Lauterbornia 8:77-80.
Adam G. 2003. Rote Liste gefährdeter Eintagsfliegen (Ephemeroptera) Bayerns. Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt 166:56-58. PDF
Adámek Z. 1977. Vliv pstruharskeho zavodu na zoobentos a kvalitu vody v krasovem toku. The karst stream zoobenthos and water quality influenced by a trout farm. Der Einfluss des Forellenteichwirtschaft auf Zoobenthos und Wasserqualität des Karststromes. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae(Brne) 25(3):195-207. PDF [added 12 June 2011]
Adámek Z; Rauser J. 1977. Prispevek k otázce cistoty vodních toku Moravského krasu na príklade studia fauny jepic (Ephemeroptera) a posvatek (Plecoptera). Speleologicky Vestnik 1977:7-23. PDF [added 12 June 2011]
Adámek Z; Sukop I. 2001. The role of supplementary feeding in food competition between common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) in a pond culture. Krmiva 43:175-184.
Adamus PR; Gaufin AR. 1976. A synopsis of Nearctic taxa found in aquatic drift. American Midland Naturalist 95(1):198-204. PDF
Adis J. 1982. Eco-entomological obsrvations from the Amazon: II. Carabids are adapted to inundation-forests! Coleopterists Bulletin 36(2):439-440. PDF
Adis J. 2002. Terrestrial invertebrates inhabiting lowland river floodplains of Central Amazonia and Central Europe: a review. Freshwater Biology 47(4):711-731.
Adlmannseder A. 1966. Faunistisch-ökologische Unteresuchungen im Flussgebiete der Antiesen unter besonderer Berüchsichtigung der Trichopteren. Ein Beitrag zur Limnologie der Fliessgewässer des Alpenvorlandes. Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines 111:469-498, taf. 37-38. [2.4 Mb] PDF
Adlmannseder A. 1973. Insektenfunde an einigen Oberösterreichischen Fliessgewässern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Trichopteren und Ephemeropteren sowie einige Bemerkungen über ihre Zoönose. Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines 113:227-246. PDF
Adolph E. 1919. Die Venenentwicklung des Vordelflügels von Epeorus assimilis E. Nova Acta Ak. N. L. 102:3-67.
Adolph E. 1924. Zur Morphologie der Ephemeridenflügel Fortsetzung und Schluss der Abhandlung uber Epeorus assimilis Eaton. Nova Acta Leop. 106:1-74.
Agnew JD. 1961. New Transvaal Leptophlebiid (Ephem.). Novos Taxa Entomológicos no. 26:1-9. PDF
Agnew JD. 1961. New Baetidae (Ephem.) from South Africa. Novos Taxa Entomológicos no. 25:1-18. PDF
Agnew JD. 1962. The distribution of Centroptiloides bifasciata (E.-P.) (Baëtidae: Ephem.) in southern Africa, with ecological observations on the nymphs. Hydrobiologia 20(4):367-372. PDF
Agnew JD. 1962. New Leptophlebiidae (Ephem.) from the Transvaal. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 58(3):357-366. PDF
Agnew JD. 1963. New South African records of imperfectly known Baetidae (Ephem.). Hydrobiologia 22(1-2):41-46. PDF
Agnew JD. 1965. A note on the fauna of the lower Orange River. South African Journal of Science 61(3):126-128. PDF
Agnew JD. 1967. On the distribution of nymphal Ephemeroptera. South African Journal of Science 63(3):111. PDF
Agnew JD. 1973. Two new species of Oligoneuriopsis CRASS from the Republic of South Africa (Oligoneuriidae: Ephemeroptera). Pages 114-121 in Peters WL; Peters JG. Proceedings of the first international conference on Ephemeroptera. E.J. Brill, Leiden. PDF
Agnew JD. 1978. The Pgm locus in Baetis harrisoni (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the South African Genetics Society :180-183. PDF
Agnew J D. 1980. Ultrastructural studies on Oligoneuriidae taxonomic applications. Pages 353-366 in Flannigan JF; Marshall KE. Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology. Plenum Press, New York. [2.9 Mb] PDF
Agnew JD. 1986. A. Invertebrates of the Orange-Vaal system, with emphasis on the Ephemeroptera. Pages 123-134 in: Davies BR; Walker KF. The ecology of river systems. (W. Junk ) Dordrecht.
Aguayo-Corraliza T; Ferreras-Romero M; Puig-Garcia MA. 1991. Life history of Ephemera danica Müller (Ephemeroptera) in the Sierra Morena of South-West Spain. Pages 447-464 in Alba-Tercedor J; Sánchez-Ortega A. 1991. Overview and strategies of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville, Florida. PDF
Akers A; Peters WL; Peters JG. 2003. Radima edmundsorum, a new genus and species of Atalophlebiinae from Madagascar (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). Pages 85-89 in Gaino E. (ed). Research update on Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera. Università di Perugia. Perugia, Italy. PDF
Alayo-D P. 1974. Guia elemental de la aguas dulces de Cuba. Torreia (N.S.) 37:1-79, 19 pl. [mayfly section only] [3.2 Mb] PDF
Alayo-D P. 1977. Introduccion al estudio des orden Ephemeroptera en Cuba. Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, Instituto de Zoología, Informe Científico-Técnico, 7:1-15. PDF
Albarda H. 1878. Descriptions of three new European Ephemeridae. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 15:128-130. PDF
Albarda H. 1887. Ephemeridae: Rhoenanthus and Isonychia. In: Vijfde Afdeeling. - Neuroptera. Systematische lijst met beschrijving der nieuwe of wenig bekende soorten. In Midden-Sumatra. Reizen en onderzoekingen der Sumatraexpeditie, uitgerust door het Aardrijkskundig genootschap, 1877-1879, beschreven door de leden der expeditie, onder toezicht van Prof. P.J. Veth. 1. gedeelte Fauna, 1. Heft, 1. Deel, 5. Afdeeling. pp. 1-26, pl. i-vi. E.J. Brill, Leiden 1881-92. PDF
Albarda JH. 1889. Catalogue raisonné et synonymique des Nevroptères observés dans les Pays-Bas et dans les Pays limitrophes. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 32:211-376. [4.0 Mb] PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1982. Recopilación de citas de Efemerópteros en la Península Ibérica e islas Baleares. Trabajos y Monografías del Departamento de Zoología (Nueva Serie), Departamento de Zoología, Universidad de Granada (1981) 4(2):41-81. [1.4 Mb] PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1982. Las familias y géneros de las ninfas de Efémeras de la región Paleártica occidental. In: Claves para la identificación de la Fauna Española, no 4, (Ed. Univ. Complutense, Madrid), 28 p.
Alba-Tercedor J. 1982. Upon the identity of Ephemera hispanica Navás, 1903 (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). Aquatic Insects 4(3):130. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1983. A new species of the genus Oligoneuriella (Ephemeroptera: Oligoneuriidae) from Spain. Aquatic Insects 5(2):131-139. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1983. Baetis maurus Kimmins, 1938 (Ephemeróptera: Baetidae) en la Península Ibérica. Aportación al conocimiento morfológico de la ninfas. Boletin Asoc. Esp. Entomol. 6:173-178.
Alba-Tercedor J. 1983. Descripción de la ninfa de una nueva subespecie de Efemerópteros: Baetis muticus intermedius nov. spp. (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae). Eos (1982)58:9-16. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1983. Ecología, distribución y ciclos de desarrollo de efeerópteros [sic] de Sierra Nevada. I: Baetis maurus Kimmins, 1938 (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae). In: Actas del Primer Congreso Español de Limnología. (N. Prat, ed.), Barcelona, pp. 179-188. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1983. Ephemerella (Chitonophora) ikonomovi nevadensis n. ssp. de Sierra Nevada, España. (Ephemeroptera, Ephemerellidae). Boletin Asoc. Esp. Entom. 6:285-293. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1983. Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de la efemerofauna de la Península Ibérica (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). In: Actas del I Congreso Ibérico de Entomología, vol. 1 (Ed. Serv. Publ. Univ. León), León, pp. 3-8. PDF [added 23 August 2011]
Alba-Tercedor J. 1983. Sobre la primera cita de Ephemerella mesoleuca (Brauer 1857) en la Península Ibérica (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). In: Actas del I Congreso Ibérico de Entomología, vol. 1 (Ed. Serv. Publ. Univ. León), León, pp. 9-11. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1983. Upon the identity of Ephemera hispanica Navás, 1903. Aquatic Insects (1982) 4(3):130.
Alba-Tercedor J. 1984. A redescription of adults of Siphlonurus flavidus Pictet (1865) (Ephemeroptera, Siphlonuridae). Pages 69-73 in Proc. IVth Intern. Confer. Ephemeroptera, Landa V et al. (eds.). PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1984. A revision of the European species of the genus Baetis Leach, 1815 described by Reverend Loginos Navás (Baetidae). Pages 53-59 in Proc. IVth Intern. Confer. Ephemeroptera, Landa V et al. (eds.). PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1984. Ecología, distribución y ciclos de desarrollo de efemerópteros de Sierra Nevada (Granada, España). II: Baetidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera). Limnética 1:234-246. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1986. Ecología, distribución y ciclos de desarrollo de Efemerópteros de Sierra Nevada (Granada, España). II: Baetidae Leach, 1815 (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Limnetica (1984) 1:234-246. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1987. Une méthode simple pour ramollir et réhydrater les Ephéméroptères de collection piqués à sec. Annales de la S.S.N.A.T.V.. 39:95-96. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1988. Ephemeroptera. In: Barrientos JA (Ed.): Bases para un curso práctico de Entomología. 359-371. Asociación Española de Entomología. Barcelona. [I.S.B.N.: 84-404-2417-5]. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1989. Ephemeropteroak (Ephemeroptera, Ordena). Euskal Herriko Intsektuak 1:79-84. Editorial Krisely, S.A. San Sebastian. [I.S.B.N.: 84-7728-140-8].
Alba-Tercedor J. 1990. Life cycle and ecology of mayflies from Sierra Nevada (Spain), IV. Limnética 6:23-34. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1990. Life cycles and ecology of some species of Ephemeroptera from Spain. Pages 13-16 in Campbell IC. 1990. Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life histories and biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1990. Siphlonurus ireneae sp. n. from Spain (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae). Pages 323-326 in Campbell IC. 1990. Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life histories and biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1990. Sobre el conocimiento de los Ephemerellidae ibéricos: primera cita de Ephemerella maculocaudata Ikonomov, 1961 (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Eos 66:209-214. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1991. Primera cita de Baetis catharus Thomas, 1986 en la Península Ibérica (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Bol. Asoc. esp. Ent. 15:344.
Alba-Tercedor J. 1996. Estudio preliminar del efecto del Embalse de Canales en la comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos del Río Genil. In: Actas 1a Conferencia Internacional sobre Sierra Nevada: Conservación y Desarrollo Sostenible (J.Chacón & J.L: Rosúa Eds.) vol. II: 187-203.
Alba-Tercedor J. 1996. Macroinvertebrados acuaticos y calidad de la aguas de los ríos. IV Simposio del Agua en Adalucía (SIAGA), Almeria, 2:203-213. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 1998. Description of the imagines of Rhithrogena goeldlini Sartori and Sowa, 1988, and keys for the identification of imagines of the European species of of the R. diaphana-subgroup (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Aquatic Insects 20:125-130. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 2000. BMWP', un adattamento spagnolo del British Biological Monitoring Working Part (BMWP) Score system. Biol. Amb. 14(2):65-67. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 2000. Habrophlebia antoninoi sp.n., a new species from Spain, with an account of the European species Habrophlebia Eaton, 1881 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae, Habrophlebiinae). Aquatic Insects 22:1-7. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J. 2002. A new synonymy in Baetis: Baetis nexus Navás, 1918 is the valid name of Baetis pentaphelebodes Ujhelyi, 1966 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Aquatic Insects 24:77-79. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Baez M; Soldán T. 1987. New records of mayflies of the Canary Islands (Insecta, Ephemeroptera). EOS 63:7-13. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Derka T. 2003. Torleya nazarita sp. n., a new species from southern Spain (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). Aquatic Insects 25:23-32. [1.2 Mb] PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Derka T. 2004. The status of knowledge of the genus Ecdyonurus in the Iberian Peninsula, with description of two new species of the E. venosus group from Spain (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Aquatic Insects 26:227-242. [3.2 Mb] PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; El-Alami M. 1999. Description of the nymphs and eggs of Acentrella almohades sp. n. from Morocco and southern Spain (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Aquatic Insects 21:241-247. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Ferreras-Romero M; Cobo Gradín F; González González M. 2006. Paleópteros, generalidades y fauna andaluza. Naturaleza 17, Zoología 5:135-172. [5.0 kb] PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Flannagan J. 1995. Two new Canadian species of the genus Tricorythodes Ulmer, with additional studies on other North American species (Insecta, Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 73:1588-1598. [1.5 Mb] PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Gonzalez G; Puig MA. 1992. Present level of knowledge regarding fluvial macroinvertebrate communities in Spain. Limnética 8:231-241. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Jáimez-Cuéller P. 2001. Primera cita de Caenis pseudorivulorum Keffermüller, 1960 (Ephemeroptera, Caenidae) en la Península Ibérica. First record of Caenis pseudorivulorum Keffermüller, 1960 (Ephemeroptera, Caenidae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 25:132. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Jáimez-Cuéllar P. 2003. Checklist and historical evolution of the knowledge of Ephemeroptera in the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic and Canary Islands. Pages 91-97 in Gaino E. (ed). Research update on Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera. Università di Perugia. Perugia, Italy. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Jiménez-Millán F. 1978. Larvas de Efemerópteros de las estribaciones de Sierra Nevada: Factores que intervienen en su distribución. Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 2:91-103. [1738 kb] PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Malzacher P. 1986. A new synonym in the genus Caenis Stephens 1835 (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae). Aquatic Insects 8(1):55-58. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; McCafferty WP. 2000. Acentrella feropagus, new species (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae): formal new name for North American A. lapponica sensu Morihara and McCafferty. Entomological News 111(2):137-139. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Mosquera S. 1999. Caenis chamie, a new species from Colombia (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 75:61-67. [2.0 Mb] PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Pardo I. 1991. Primera cita de Baetis catharus Thomas, 1986 en la Península Ibérica (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 15:344. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Peters WL. 1986. Types and additional speciments of Ephemeroptera studied by Longinos Navás in the Museo de Zoologia del Ayuntamiento, Barcelona, Spain. Aquatic Insects (1985) 7(4):215-227. [1.4 Mb] PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Picazo-Muñoz J; Jáimez-Cuéllar P. 2000. Presencia de Labiobaetis neglectus (Navás, 1913) (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) en el sur de la Península Ibérica. Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 24:221-222. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Picazo-Muñoz J; Jáimez-Cuéllar P. 2000. Primera cita de Pseudocentroptilum nanum (Bogoescu, 1951) (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) en la Península Ibérica. Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 24:224. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Picazo-Muñoz J; Zamora-Muñoz C. 1995. Relationships between the distribution of mayfly nymphs and water quality in the Guadalquivir River Basin (southern Spain). Pages 41-54 in Corkum LD; Ciborowski JJH. Current Directions in Research on Ephemeroptera. Canadian Scholars' Press, Inc. Toronto. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Puig García MA. 2000. Labiobaetis tricolor (Tshernova, 1928) (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) erróneamente citado en la Península Ibérica. Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 24:223. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Sánchez-Ortega A. 1982(1984). Presencia del género Torleya Lestage, 1917 (Insecta, Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) en la Península Ibérica. Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. (Biol.) 80:81-88. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Sánchez-Ortega A. 1988. Un método rápido y simple para evaluar la calidad biológica de las aguas corrientes basado en el de Hellawell (1978). Limnética 4:51-56. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Sánchez-Ortega A. 1991. Overview and strategies of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville, Florida. HTML
Alba-Tercedor J; Sowa R. 1986. Two interesting Rhitrogena Eaton from Spain: R. thomasi sp.n., and R. monserrati sp.n. (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Aquatic Insects 8(3):185-189. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Sowa R. 1987. New representatives of the Rhithrogena diaphana-group from continental Europe, with a redescription of R. diaphana Navás, 1917 (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Aquatic Insects 9(2):65-83. [2.9 Mb] PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Studemann D. 1992. Upon the identity of Drunella andaluciaca Kazanci, 1990 (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). Aquatic Insects 14(1):47-48. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Suter P. 1990. A new species of Caenidae from Australia: Tasmanocoenis arcuata sp.n. (Insecta, Ephemeroptera). Aquatic Insects 12(2):85-94. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Tierno de Figueroa JM. 2002. In memoriam Antonino Sánchez Ortega (1957-2002). Graellsia 58:91-96. [1764 kb] PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Zamora-Muñoz C. 1993. Description of Caenis nachoi sp.n., with keys for the identification of the European species of the Caenis macrura group (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae). Aquatic Insects 15(4):239-247. PDF
Alba-Tercedor J; Zamora-Muoz C; Sánchez-Ortega A; Guisasola I. 1991. Mayflies and stoneflies from the Río Monachil (Sierra Nevada, Spain) (Ephemerotpera and Plecoptera). Pages 529-538 in Alba-Tercedor J; Sánchez-Ortega A. (eds.), Overview and Strategies of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Sandhill Crane Press. PDF
Albrecht M-L. 1968. Die Wirkung des Lichtes auf die quantitative Verteilung der Fauna im Flie gewässer. Limnologica 6:71-82.
Albrecht M-L; Breitsprecher B. 1969. Untersuchungeng über die chemische Zusammensetzung von Fischnährtieren und Fischfuttermitteln. Z. Fischerei NF 17(1-4):1443-163. PDF
Albrecht M-L; Wünsche J. 1972. Der Gehalt an Aminosäuren im Protein niederer Wassertiere und dessen Bedeutung für die Fischernährung. Archiv für Tierernährung 22(6):423-430. PDF
Alekseev VA. 1970 [Study of acute phenol intoxication of some species of aquatic insects and arachnids.] Hidrobiologicheskii Zhurnal 6(5):29-38. PDF
Alekseev VA. 1971. [Comparative resistance of aquatic insecs and arachnids to phenol.] Biologiya Viyutrennich Vod 11:49-52. PDF
Alekseev VA. 1971. [Study of acute phenol intoxication of some species of insects and arachnids. (Report II).] Hidrobiologicheskii Zhurnal 7(3):44-48. PDF
Alexander AC; Heard KS; Culp JM. 2008. Emergent body size of mayfly survivors. Freshwater Biology 53:171-180. PDF
Alexander CP. 1926. An entomological survey of the Salt Fork of the Vermilion River in 1921 with a bibliography of aquatic insects. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 15(8):439-535. [25.1 Mb] PDF
Alexander LC; Lamp WO. 2008. Mayfly population density, persistence and genetic structure in fragmented headwater habitats. Pages 39-50 in Hauer FR; Stanford JA; Newell RL. (eds.), International advances in the ecology, zoogeography and systematics of mayflies and stoneflies. University of California Publications in Entomology, vol. 128. PDF
Alexander RD; Brown WL Jr. 1963. Mating behavior and the origin of insect wings. Occasional papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan 628:1-19. PDF
Alexander WB. 1932. The natural history of the Firth of Tay. Transactions of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science, 9,. 35-41.
Alfken J.D. 1924. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der von Werner unternommenten zoologischen Expedition nach dem Anglo-Aegyptischen Sudan (Kordofan) 1914. Denkschr. Ak. Wiss., Wein 99: 1-288.
Ali SR. 1967. The mayfly nymphs (Order: Ephemeroptera). of Rawalpindi District. Pakistan Journal of Science 19(3):73-86. PDF
Ali SR. 1970. Certain mayflies (Order: Ephemeroptera) of West Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Science 22(3-4):119-124. [14.2 Mb] PDF
Ali SR. 1971. Bottom fauna of streams in Spring season in relation to food of fishes. Pakistan Journal of Science 23(1&2):73-77. PDF
Ali SR. 1971. Certain mayfly nymphs (Order; Ephemeroptera) of Azad Kasmir and Swat. Pakistan Journal of Science 23(3-4):209-214. [15 Mb] PDF
Ali SR. 1971. The nymphs of new species of genus Ephemerella (Order: Ephemeroptera). Pakistan Journal of Forestry 21(4):359-366. PDF
Aliev AR; Gadzhiev ZR. 1977. [Benthic fauna of the Kendelanchay Reservoir.] Izv. Akad. Nauk Az. SSR, Ser. Biol. Nauk, 2:65-67.
Alimov AF. 1975. Ecological and faunistic review of the zoo benthos of the lakes Ephemeroptera and Megaloptera. Pages 130-132 in Vinberg, G. G. (Ed.). Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk Sssr, Tom 56. Biologicheskaya Produktivnost' Severnykh Ozer. 1. Ozera Krivoye I Krugloye. (Proceedings Of The Zoological Institute Of The Academy Of Sciences Of The Ussr, Vol. 56. The Biological Productivity Of Northern Lakes: 1. Lakes Krivoye And Krugloye.). (In Russ.). 228P. Nauka, Leningradskde Otdelenie: Leningrad, USSR.
Allan JD. 1975. Faunal replacement and longitudinal zonation in an alpine stream. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 19:1646-1652. PDF [added 12 June 2011]
Allan JD. 1975. The distributional ecology and diversity of benthic insects in Cement Creek, Colorado. Ecology 56(5):1040-1053. [2.1 Mb] PDF
Allan JD. 1978. Diet of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill) and brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in an alpine stream. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 20:2045-2050. PDF [added 12 June 2011]
Allan JD. 1978. Trout predation and the size composition of stream drift. Limnology and Oceanography 23(6):1231-1237. PDF
Allan JD. 1981. Determinants of diet of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in a mountain stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 38(2):184-192. PDF
Allan JD. 1982. The effects of reduction in trout density on the invertebrate community of a mountain stream. Ecology 63(5):1444-1455. PDF
Allan JD. 1985. The production ecology of Ephemeroptera in a Rocky Mountain stream. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 22:3233-3237.
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