Michael D. Hubbard Bibliography
of the Ephemeroptera
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Ubero-Pascal N; Fortuño JM; Puig MA. 2005. New application of air-drying techniques for studying Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera eggs by scanning electron microscopy. Microscopy Research and Technique 68:264–271. PDF
Ubero-Pascal N; Pinto P; Malo J; Morais M; Puig MA. 1999. Influência da regulação do caudal sobre a comunidade de Ephemeroptera em quatro rios da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Guadiana. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia, Suplemento 6:47-50. PDF
Ubero-Pascal NA; Puig MA. 2007. Egg morphology update based on new chorionic data of Potamanthus luteus (Linnaeus), Ephemera danica Müller and Oligoneuriella rhenana (Imhoff) (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) obtained by scanning electron microscopy. Zootaxa 1465:15-29. PDF
Ubero-Pascal NA; Puig MA. 2007. Microscopy and egg morphology of mayflies. Pages 326-335 in Méndez-Vilas A; Díaz J. Modern Research and eDucational Topics in Microsopy. Formatex. [1.6 Mb] PDF
Ubero-Pascal NA; Puig MA. 2009. New type of egg attachment structure in Ephemeroptera and comparative analysis of chorion structure morphology in three species of Ephemerellidae. Acta Zoologica 90:87-98. PDF
Ubero-Pascal NA; Puig MA; Soler AG. 1998. Los Efemerópteros de la cuenca del río Segura (S.E. de España): 1. Estudio faunístico. (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 22(1-2):151-170. PDF
Ubero Pascal NA; Soler AG; Puig MÁ. 1996. Primera cita de Baetis punicus Thomas, Boumaiza & Soldan, 1983 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) para el continente europeo. Boln Asoc. Esp. Ent. 20(3-4):128. PDF
Uchida K. [date ?] Order Ephemeroptera. Pages 529-532 in Animal Classification. PDF
Uéno M. 1928. Some Japanese mayfly nymphs. Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University, Series B, 4(1):19-63, pl. 3-17. [2.7 kb] PDF
Uéno M. 1930. [Key to Japanese mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera)]. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 1:27-36. PDF
Uéno M. 1931. A new Japanese mayfly. Lansania 3(24):57-59. PDF
Uéno M. 1931. Contributions to the knowledge of Japanese Ephemeroptera. Annotationes Zoologicae Japoneses 13(3):189-231. [1.5 Mb] PDF
Uéno M. 1931. Einige neue Ephemeropteren und Pleclopteren aus Mittel-Japan. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 13(2):91-104. PDF
Uéno M. 1931. Mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies collected in Kamikôchi and its surrounding districts, Prov. of Shinano. Kontyû 5(3):105-110. PDF
Uéno M. 1931. Some notes on the mayfly-fauna of Formosa. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 21(115):210-216. PDF
Uéno M. 1932. [Ephemeroptera]. Nippon Konchû Zukan (Iconographia Insectorum Japonicorum) 1932:1950-1962.
Uéno M. 1935. A fossil insect nymph from Jehol. Report of the First Scientific Expedition to Manchoukuo, Section 2, Part 2:1-6, 3 pl. PDF
Uéno M. 1935. Animal life of the Azusa River System, Prov. of Shinano, Middle Japan. With an account of fishes by D. Miyadi. 182 pp. [2.3 Mb] PDF
Ueno M. 1935. Baetinae nymph (ord. Ephemeroptera). In: report of the First scientific expedition to Manchoukuo. Sect. 1, div. 1, pt. 7, pp. 1-4.
Uéno M. 1938. Stoneflies and mayflies collected in Okinawa, Ryuku Islands. Biogeographica: Transactions of the Biogeographical Society of Japan 3:92-99, pl. 5. PDF
Uéno M. 1941. [Some Manchurian mayflies]. Mushi 14(1):15-20. PDF
Uéno M. 1950. Ephemeroptera. Icongraphia Insectorum Japonicorum, Tokyo. pp 120-130. PDF
Uéno M. 1955. Mayfly nymphs. Fauna and flora of Nepal Himalaya. Scientific results of the Japanese Expedition ot Nepal Himalaya. 1952-1953. ed. H. Kihara. Fauna and Flora Research Society, Kyoto. pp 301-316, pl. 1-10. [1.5 Mb] PDF
Uéno M. 1959. Mayflies in Illustrated Insect Larvae of Japan. pp 44-58.PDF
Uéno M. 1961. Mayflies of Thailand. Nature and Life in Southeast Asia 1:207-208. PDF
Uéno M. 1966. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) collected by the Kyoto University Pamir-Hindukush Expedition 1960. Results of the Kyoto University Scientific Expedition to the Karakoram and Hindukush, 1955 (Kyoto) 8:299-326. [1.1 kb] PDF
Uéno M. 1969. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from various regions of Southeast Asia. Oriental Insects 3(3):221-238. PDF
Újhelyi S. 1951. Álrecésszárnyúak, recésszárnyúak és szirisszárnyúak - Pseudoneuroptera, Neuroptera, Trichoptera. - In: DUDICH E. (szerk.). A rovargyojtés technikája. Közoktatási Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 96-105.
Újhelyi S. 1959. Kérészek Ephemeroptera. Fauna Hungariae 49:1-96. [4.6 Mb] PDF
Újhelyi S. 1960. Metreletus hungaricus sp. n., eine neue Eintagsfliege (Ephemeroptera) aus Ungarn. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hongaricae 6(1-2):199-209. PDF
Újhelyi S. 1966. The mayflies of Hungary, with the description of a new species, Baëtis pentaphlebodes sp. n. (Ephemeroptera). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hongaricae 12(1-2):203-210. PDF
Újhelyi S. (1969): Kérészek. - In: MÓCZÁR L. (szerk.). Állathatározó, I. Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, pp. 178-189.
Újhelyi S. 1979. Adatok néhány rovarrend bakonyi elterjedéséhez. A Veszprém Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei 14:85-93. [3.3 Mb] PDF
Újhelyi S. 1983. The Ephemeroptera of the Hortobágy National Park. - In: MAHUNKA S. (szerk.). The fauna of the Hortobágy National Park. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest p. 2:79.
Újhelyi S. 1984. Kérészek. - In: MÓCZÁR L. (szerk.). Állathatározó, I. Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest pp. 178-189.
Újhelyi S. 1986. Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera from the Kiskunsag National Park The Fauna of the Kiskunsag National Park, pp. 81-84. In: Mahunka, S. (ed.). Natural history of the national parks of Hungary, Vol. 4. The fauna of the Kiskunsag National Park, Vol. 1. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, Hungary. 490 pp.
Ulanoski JT; McDiffett WF. 1972. Diurnal variation in respiration of mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera). Physiological Zoölogy 45(2):97-105. PDF
Ulfstrand S. 1967. Microdistribution of benthic species (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera: Simuliidae) in Lapland streams. Oikos 18(2):293-310. PDF
Ulfstrand S. 1968. Benthic animal communities in Lapland streams. A field study with particular reference to Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Diptera Simullidae. Oikos Supplementum 10:1-120. [6.0 Mb] PDF
Ulfstrand S. 1968. Life cycles of benthic insects in Lapland streams (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera Simullidae). Oikos 19(2):167-190. PDF
Ulfstrand S. 1969. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera from River Vindelälven in Swedish Lapland. With a discussion of the significance of nutritional and competitive factors for the life cycles. Entomologisk Tidskrift 90(3-4):145-165. [2.3 Mb] PDF
Ulfstrand S. 1975. Diversity and some other parameters of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera communities in subarctic running waters. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 76(4):499-520. PDF
Ulfstrand S; Nilsson LM; Stergar A. 1974. Composition and diversity of benthic species collectives colonizing implanted substrates in a South Swedish stream. Ent. Scand. 5:115-122. PDF
Ulfstrand S; Svensson; Enckell PH; Hagerman L; Otto C. 1971. Benthic insect communities of streams in Stora Sjöfallet National Park, Swedish Lapland. Ent. Scand. 2:309-336. [1.2 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1904. Ephemeriden. Hamburger Magalhaensische Sammelreise 1904:1-8, 1 pl. PDF
Ulmer G. 1908. Trichopteridae und Ephemeridae. Die Fauna Südwest-Australiens 2(3):25-46. [1.2 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1910. Ephemerodea. In: Wissenschaftiche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den Umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1905-1906 unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Yngve Sjostedt 2(14):53-54. PDF
Ulmer G. 1912. H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute. Ephemeriden. Entomologische Mitteilungen 1:369-375. PDF
Ulmer G. 1913. Ephemeriden aus Java, gesammelt von Edw. Jacobson. Notes from the Leyden Museum 35:102-120. [1.1 kb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1914. Ordn. Ephemeroptera (Agnátha), Eintagsfliegen. Pages 95-99 in P. Brohmer, Fauna von Deutschland.
Ulmer G. 1915. Ephemeropteren von Aequatorial-Afrika. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 81A(7):1-19. PDF
Ulmer G. 1916. Results of Dr E. Mjöberg's Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. 6. Ephemeroptera. Arkiv för Zoologi 10(4):1-18. PDF
Ulmer G. 1920. Neue Ephemeropteren. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 85A(11):1-80. [9.6 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1920. Über die Nymphen einiger exotischer Ephemeropteren. Festschrift für Zschokke no. 25:1-25. PDF
Ulmer G. 1920. Übersicht über die Gattungen der Ephemeropteren, nebst Bemerkungen über einzelne Arten. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 81(1-2):97-144. [3.0 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1921. Über einige Ephemeropteren-Typen älterer Autoren. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 87A(6):229-267. [1.5 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1924. Eine Merkwürdige Ephemeriden-Nymphe aus der Wolga. Rabot Volzhskoi Biologichekoi Stantsii - Arbeiten der Biologischen Wolga-Station 7(3):1-8. PDF
Ulmer G. 1924. Einige alte und neue Ephemeropteren. Konowia 3(1/2):23-37. [1.1 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1924. Ephemeroptera. Einstagfliegen. In Biologie der Tiere Deutschlands, Lieferung 9, Tiel 34 (ed. Schultze P). Berlin. Borntraeger. (40 pages).
Ulmer G. 1924. Ephemeropteren von den Sunda-Inseln und den Philippinen. Treubia 6(1):28-91. [3.9 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1924. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der mit unterstützung der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien aus der Erbschaft Treitl von F. Werner unternommenen zoologischen Expedition nach dem anglo-ägyptischen Sudan (Kordofan) 1914. XII. Trichopteren und Ephemeropteren. Denkschrrigten Math.- Naturwissensch. Klasse Akad. Wissensch. Wien 99:1-9. PDF
Ulmer G. 1925. Ephemeropteren und Trichopteren von Nowaja Semlja. Report of the Scientific Results of the Norwegian Expedition to Novaya Zemlya 1921 (Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo), no. 29:1-4. PDF
Ulmer G. 1925. Trichopteren und Ephemeropteren aus dem Bialowieser Wald. Math.-Naturw. Abteilund der Bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaten, Suppl.-Band. 8:339-342. PDF
Ulmer G. 1926. Baëtis luridipennis Burm. aus Nord-Amerika ist ein Siphlonurus (Ephemeropt.). Entomologische Mitteilungen 15(3-4):223-225. PDF
Ulmer G. 1926. Beitrage zur Fauna sinaica. Ephemeropteren und Plecopteren. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 91(A)(5):19-110.
Ulmer G. 1926. Trichopteren und Ephemeropteren. In: Beitrage zur Fauna sinaica. Archiv für Naturgeschichte (A)91(5):19-110.
Ulmer G. 1927. Entomologische Ergebnisse der schwedischen Kamtcatka-Expedition 1920-1922. 11. Trichoptern und Ephemeropteren. Arkiv för Zoologi 19(A)(6):1-17.
Ulmer G. 1927. Verzeichnis der deutschen Ephemeropteren und ihrer Fundorte. Konowia 6(4):234-262. PDF
Ulmer G. 1928. Über die Ephemeropteren Torleya belgica Lest. und Ephemerella major Klap. Deutsche Entomologiche Zeitschrift 1928(2):142-145. PDF
Ulmer G. 1929. 6. Ordnung: Einstagfliegen, Ephemeroptera (Agnatha). Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas 4(1b)3:1-43. [2.5 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1929. Über einige, hauptsächlich asiatische, Ephemeropteren und Trichopteren aus der Sammlung R. McLachlan. Deutsche Entomologiche Zeitschrift 1929(3):161-195. [1.3 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1930. Entomological expedition to Abyssinia, 1926-27; Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 10, 6:479-511. PDF
Ulmer G. 1930. Key to the genera of Ephemerida. Bulletin of Department of Biology, Yenching University 1(3):1-18. PDF
Ulmer G. 1932. Bemerkungen über die seit 1920 neu aufgestellten Gattungen der Ephemeropteren. ? Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 93:204-219.
Ulmer G. 1932. Bemerkungen über die Seit 1920 neu aufgestellten Gattungen der Ephemeropteren. Stettiner Entomolgische Zeitung 7:204-219.
Ulmer G. 1932. Die Trichopteren, Ephemeropteren und Plecopteren des arktischen Gebietes. Fauna Arctica 6(3):207-226. [1.5 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1933. Aquatic insects of China. Article VI. Revised key to the genera of Ephemeroptera. Peking Natural History Bulletin 7:195-218, pl. 1-2. [1.5 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1935. Ephemeroptera. Visser, Karakorum 1:232. PDF
Ulmer G. 1936. Neue chinesische Ephemeropteren, nebst ubersicht uber die bischer aus China bekannten Arten. Peking Natural History Bulletin 10:201-215. [1.8 Mb] PDF
Ulmer G. 1936. Schwedisch-chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen Provinzen Chinas, unter Leitung von Dr. Sven Hedin und Prof. Su Ping-chang. Insecten gesammelt vom schwedischen Atzt der Expedition Dr. David Hummel 1927-1930. 54. Ephemeroptera. Arkiv for Zoologi 24A(36):1-2.
Ulmer G. 1938. Chilensiche Ephemeropteren, hauptsächlich aus dem Deutschen Entomologischen Institut, Berlin-Dahlem. Arbeiten über Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem 5:85-108.
Ulmer G. 1939-1940. Eintagsfliegen (Ephemeropteren) von den Sunda-Inseln. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement 16:443-692, figs. 1-469, 4 tab.
Ulmer G. 1942. Alte und neue Eintagsfliegen (Ephemeropteren) aus Süd- und Mittelamerika. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 103:98-128.
Ulmer G. 1943. Alte und neue Eintagsfliegen (Ephemeropteren) aus Süd- und Mittelamerika. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 104:14-46. [3.4 Mb] PDF
Unger E. 1929. The food of fishes from Hungarian lakes, fishponds and rivers. International Congress of Zoology 10(1):766-782.
Unkelbach G. 1974. Ein Beitrag zur Saprobiologie von Fliessgewässer-Invertebraten. Verh. Ges. Ökologie, Saarbrücken 1973:205-209. PDF
Unzicker JD; Carlson PH. 1982. Ephemeroptera. Pages 3.1-3.97 in A. R. Brigham, W. U. Brigham & A. Gnilka (eds.), Aquatic insects and oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Midwest Aquatic Enterprises, Mahomet, Ill.
Upholt WM. 1936. A new species of mayfly from California (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 12(3):120-122. PDF
Upholt WM. 1937. Two new mayflies from the Pacific coast. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 13(1-2):85-88. PDF
Usherwood JR; Ellington CP. 2002. The aerodynamics of revolving wings. II. Propeller force coefficients from mayfly to quail. Journal of Experimental Biology 205:1565-1576. PDF
Usseglio-Polatera P. 1985. Evolution des peuplements de Trichopteres et d'Ephemeropteres du Rhone a Lyon (1959-1982). Resultats de piegeage lumineux. (Evolution of Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera populations in the Rhone River (Lyon area) from 1959 to 1982. Thesis, Lyon
Usseglio-Polatera P. 1994. Theoretical habitat templets, species traits, and species richness: aquatic insects in the Upper Rhône River and its floodplain. Freshwater Biology 31:417-437. PDF
Usseglio-Polatera P. 1997. Long-term changes in the Ephemeroptera of the River Rhone at Lyon, France, assessed using a fuzzy coding approach. Pages 227-234 in Landolt P; Sartori M. Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera. Biology-Ecology-Systematics. Mauron + Tinguely & Lachat, SA. Fribourg. PDF
Usseglio-Polatera P; Bournaud M. 1989. Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera as indicators of environmental changes of the Rhone River at Lyon over the last twenty-five years. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 4(3):249-262.
Usseglio-Polatera P; Tachet H. 1994. Theoretical habitat templets, species traits, and species richness: Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera in the Upper Rhône River and its floodplain. Freshwater Biology 31:357-375. PDF
Ussing H. 1926. Naturhistorisk Forening for Jylland. Ekskursionen til Kongens Bro og Vejerslev. Flora og Fauna 32:94-96.
Uzunov II; Russev BK; Kovochev Sg; Janeva IJ. 1981. [Species list and distribution of the macrobenthos of the river Maritsa.] Hydrobiology 14:3-14. PDF
Vaate A. bij de; Oosterbroek FMJ. 1992. Ephoron virgo recent in de Rijn aangetroffen (Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcidae). Entomologische Berichten 52(1):8-11.
Valentyuk EI; Kovalyukh NN. 1977. [Detection of natural enemies of the larvae of blood- sucking mosquitoes using radiolabeling.] (in Russian) Vestn. Zool. (5):75-77.
Valladolid M; Martínez-Bastida JJ; Araúzo M; Gutiérrez C. 2006. Abundancia y biodiversidad de los macroinvertebrados del río Oja (La Rioja, España). Limnetica 25(3):745-752. PDF
Valle LG; Santamaria S. 2002. Baetimyces, a new genus of Harpellales, and first report of Legeriomyces ramousus from the northeastern Iberian Peninsula. Mycologia 94(2):321-326. [1.6 Mb] PDF
Valle LG; Santamaria S. 2002. Tectimyces, a new genus of Harpellales on mayfly nymphs (Leptophlebiidae) in Spain. Mycological Research 106:841-847. PDF
Valle LG; Santamaria S. 2004. Bojamyces transfuga sp. nov. and new records of Trichomycetes from mayfly larvae in Spain. Mycologia 96(6):1386-1392. PDF
Valle LG; Santamaria S. 2009. Arthropod gut symbionts from the Balearic Islands: Majorca and Cabrera. Diversity and biogeography. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(1)109-120. PDF
Vance GM; VanDyk JK; Rowley WA. 1995. A device for sampling aquatic insects associated with carrion in water. Journal of Forensic Sciences 40:479-482. PDF
Vance SA. 1996. Morphological and behavioral sex reversal in mermithid-infected mayflies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 263:907-912. [1.0 Mb] PDF
Vance SA; Peckarsky BL. 1996. The infection of nymphal Baetis bicaudatus by the mermithid nematode Gasteromermis sp. Ecological Entomology 21:377-381. PDF
Vance SA; Peckarsky BL. 1997. The effect of mermithid parasitism on predation of nymphal Baetis bicaudatus (Ephemeroptera) by invertebrates. Oecologia 110:147-152. PDF
Vance-Chalcraft HD; Soluk D; Ozburn N. 2004. Is prey predation risk influenced more by increasing predator density or predator species richness in stream enclosures? Oecologia 139:117-122. PDF
Váncsa, É; Sartori, M. 2013. Habroleptoides confusa Sartori & Jacob, 1986 (Insecta,
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Vander Wal J. 1977. Relation between Nipigon Bay benthic macroinvertebrates and selected aspects of their habitat. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 34(6):824-829. PDF
Vannote RL. 1978. A geometric model describing a quasi-equilibrium of energy flow in populations of stream insects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (USA), 75(1):381-384. PDF
Vannote RL; Sweeney BW. 1980. Geographic analysis of thermal equilibria: a conceptual model for evaluating the effect of natural and modified thermal regimes on aquatic insect communities. American Naturalist 115(5):667-695. PDF
Varley GC. 1948. A ceratopogonid fly, Palpomyia semifumosa Goet., feeding on mayflies. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 84:36-40.
Vayssière A. 1881. Etude sur l'état parfait du Prosopistoma punctifrons. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (6)11:1-16. PDF
Vayssière A. 1881. On the perfect state of Prosopistoma puctifrons. Annals and magazine of Natural History (5)8:73-85, pl.10. PDF
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Vayssière A. 1893. Note sur l'existence au Sénégal d'une espèce nouvelle de Prosopistoma. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (7)15:337-342. PDF
Vayssière A. 1895. Description zoologique de l'Euthyplocia sikoraï. Nouvelle espèce d'Éphéméridé de Madagascar. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 1895:297-306, pl. 5. PDF
Vayssière A. 1925. Nymphose et métamorphose d'un Prosopistoma foliaceum, Fourc. (Pr. punctifrons, Latr.). Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires de Séances de l'Academie des Sciences 181:454-455. PDF
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Vega MJ; Durant P. 2000. Fenología de efemerópteros y su relación con la calidad de agua del Río Albarregas, Mérida, Venezuela. Revista de Ecología Latinoamericana 7:19-27. PDF
Vejabhongse NP. 1937. A note on the habits of a May-fly and the damage caused by its nymphs. Journal of the Siam Society, Natural History Supplement 11:53-56, pl. 12-13. PDF
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Velasco J; Millán A; Ramírez-Díaz L. 1993. Colonización y sucesión de nuevos medios acuaticos. II. Variación temporal de la composición y estructura de las comunidades de insectos. Limnética 9:87-98. [2.7 kb] PDF
Venkataraman K; Sivaramakrishnan KG. 1987. A new species of Thalerosphyrus from South India (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Current Science 56:1126-1129. PDF
Venkataraman K; Sivaramakrishnan KG. 1989. A new species of Cinygmina (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from South India and reevaluation of generic traits of Cinygmina Kimmins 1937. Hexapoda (Insecta Indica) 1(1&2):117-121. PDF
Venour S. 1906. Ephemera (danica Müll. ?) male imago coupling with the female subimago. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 42:258. PDF
Venter GE. 1961. A new ephemeropteran record in South Africa. Hydrobiologia 18(4):327-331. PDF
Vera-Palacios M. 2007. Ephemeroptera (Insecta) en la Región de Magallanes. Anales Instituto Patagonia 35(1):35-43. PDF
Vera-Palacios MA; Briones R; Jerez V. 2005. Registros de efemerópteros (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) de el Río San Pedro, Región de Magallanes. Records of mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) at San Pedro River, Magellan Region. Anales Instituto Patagonia 33:31-35. PDF
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Verneaux J. 1972. Faune dulcaquicole de Franche-Comte. Le bassin du Doubs (Massif du Jura). Quatrième partie: les Éphéméroptères. Annales Scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon, Zoologie, Physiologie dt Biologie Animale, 3ème Série, 8:3-20. PDF
Verneaux J; Rezzouk M. 1974. Les structures d'un grand cours d'eau à Salmonidés: La Loue (Massif du Jura). Essai typologique et problèmes des relations entre espèces et milieu. Annales de Limnologie 10(2):131-162. [1.0 Mb] PDF
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