Sixth International Conference on Ephemeroptera
Grenada, Spain
24-28 July 1989.
Proceedings published as:
Alba-Tercedor J; Sánchez-Ortega A. 1991. Overview and strategies of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville, Florida.
Dedication. p v.
Preface. p xi.
Meeting Delegates. pp xii-xiv.
Section I
Landolt P. An approach to the application of molecular biological methods to solve taxonomical and phylogenetic problems of the Ephemeroptera. pp 3-14.
McShaffrey D; McCafferty WP. Videomacroscopy for the study of Ephemeroptera and other aquatic macroinvertebrates. pp 15-24.
Section II
Gaino E; Mazzini M. Spermatozoon of mayflies (Ephemeroptera): an ultrastructural approach. pp 27-38.
Kapoor NN. Antennal campaniform and coeloconic sensilla of the stonefly nymph, Paragnetina media (Walker) (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp 39-46.
Section III
Flowers RW; Domínguez E. Preliminary cladistics of the Hermanella complex (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae, Atalophlebiinae). pp 49-62.
Hefti D; Tomka I; Zurwerra A. Revision of the European species belonging to the Ecdyonurus helveticus-group (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). pp 63-72.
Malzacher P. Genital-morphological features in the Caenidae. pp 73-85.
McCafferty WP. The cladistics, classification, and evolution of the Heptagenioidea (Ephemeroptera). pp 87-102.
Studemann D; Tomka I. European Siphlonuridae (Ephemeroptera): a phylogenetic system for the four genera. pp 103-114.
Tomka I; Elpers C. Problems in the phylogeny of the Ephemeroptera. pp 115-134.
Nelson CH. Preliminary note on the comparative morphology of the stonefly pretarsus (Plecoptera). pp 135-156.
Domínguez E. The status of the genus Ulmeritus (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) and related taxa. pp 157-167.
Elouard J-M; Hideux P. Mayflies of West Africa. Thraulobaetodes, an atypical new genus of crawling Baetidae. pp 169-174.
Gillies MT. A diphyletic origin for the two-tailed baetid nymphs occurring in East African stony streams with a description of the new genus and species Tanzaniella spinosa gen. nov. sp. nov. pp 175-187.
Lowen RG; Flannagan JF. Four Manitoba species of Centroptilum Eaton (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) with remarks on the genus. pp 189-205.
Peters WL; Gillies MT. The male imago of Protobehningia Tshernova from Thailand (Ephemeroptera: Behningiidae). pp 207-216.
Sánchez-Ortega A; Ropero-Montero JM; Peña-Cuenca MP. Adult morphology of Siphonoperla species in the Iberian Peninsula. pp 217-221.
Sartori M; Thomas AGB. Contribution to the systematics of Baetis muticus (L.) and allied species from South Western Palearctic Region (Ephemeroptera; Baetidae). pp 223-233.
Soldán T; Landa V. Two new species of Caenidae (Ephemeroptera) from Sri Lanka. pp 235-243.
Section IV
Andrikovics S. Taxonomic and ecological investigations of the Hungarian Rhithrogena semicolorata species-group. pp 247-252.
Belfiore C; D'Antonio C. Faunistic, taxonomic, and biogeographical studies of Ephemeroptera from southern Italy. pp 253-262.
Jazdzewska T; Gorczynski A. Les éphéméroptères des rivières qui franchissent la zone marginale du Roztocze Central. pp 263-270.
Kazanci N. Contribution to the zoogeography of Asia Minor based on the distribution of Drunella species (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). pp 271-276.
Mack Jr RG; Gibbs E. The mayflies of Acadia National Park, Maine, U.S.A. pp 277-287.
Pardo I; Eiroa E; Novoa F. New records of mayflies from Galicia (Ephemeroptera). pp 289-296.
Alouf NJ. L'état de nos connaissances actuelles sur les plécoptères du Liban. pp 297-300.
Baumann RW; Kondratieff BC. The stonefly fauna of northern Mexico. pp 301-309.
Gagneur J; Aliane N. Contribution à la connaissance des Plécoptères d'Algerie. pp 311-318.
Pardo I; Eiroa E; Novoa F. Contribution to the stonefly fauna of Galicia. pp 325-329
Section V
Flannagan JF; Cobb DG. Factors controlling the species diversity and density of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) emerging from an unstable river in Manitoba, Canada. pp 333-341.
Flannagan JF; Cobb DG. Emergence of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from an unstable stream in Manitoba, Canada. pp 343-352.
Froehlich CG. Flight periods of Kempnyia and Macrogynoplax (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in southeastern Brazil. pp 353-357.
Hubbard MD. Theoretical and practical problems involved in determination of upstream flight compensation in lotic aquatic insects. pp 359-365.
Lavandier P. Movements of Rhithrogena loyolaea Navás and Baetis alpinus Pictet in a high mountain stream in the Pyrenees. pp 367-376.
Lillehammer A; Saltveit SJ; Brusven M. The influence of variable temperatures on the incubation period of stonefly eggs (Plecoptera) 377-381.
Marten M. The effect of temperature on the egg incubation period of Perlodes microcephalus, Perlodes dispar (Plecoptera: Perlodidae) and Perla burmeisteriana (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp 387-401.
Membiela-Iglesia P. The stoneflies of Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula): an ecological study (Plecoptera) 403-413./p>
Presa Y; Postigo M; Soto J; Luis E. Characterization of stoneflies (Plecoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in the Orbigo basin (Leon, NW Spain). pp 415-423.
Steiner K. Some notes on feeding of Protonemura nitida (Plecoptera). pp 425-438.
Watanabe NC. Takao S. Effect of a low temperature period on the egg hatching of the Japanese burrowing mayfly, Ephoron shigae. pp 439-445.
Aguayo-Corraliza MT; Ferreras-Romero MF; Puig-Garcia MA. Life history of Ephemera danica Müller (Ephemeroptera) in the Sierra Morena of South-West Spain (Ephemeroptera). pp 447-464.
Cobb DG; Galloway TD; Flannagan JF. Life history adaptations of mayflies to an unstable reach of Wilson Creek, Manitoba, Canada. pp 465-481.
Ibañez C; Escosa R; Muñoz I; Prat N. Life cycle and production of Ephoron virgo (Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcidae) in the lower River Ebro (NE Spain). pp 483-492.
Sánchez-Ortega A; Alba-Tercedor J. The life cycle of Perla marginata and Dinocras cephalotes in Sierra Nevada (Granada, Spain) (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp 493-501.
Söderström O. Life cycles and nymphal growth of twelve coexisting mayfly species in a boreal river. pp 503-514.
Zwick P. Biometric studies of the growth and development of two species of Leuctra and of Nemurella pictetii (Plecoptera: Leuctridae and Nemouridae). pp 515-526.
Section VI
Alba-Tercedor J; Zamora-Muñoz C; Sánchez-Ortega A; Guisasola I. May-flies and stoneflies from the Río Monachil (Sierra Nevada. Spain) (Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera). pp 529-538.
Brittain JE. Life history characteristics as a determinant of the response of mayflies and stoneflies to man-made environmental disturbance (Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera). pp 539-545.
Cobb DG; Flannagan JF. Responses of Plecoptera to stream channelization in the drainage basin of Dauphin Lake. Canada. pp 547-557.
Landa V; Soldán T. The possibilities of mayfly faunistics to indicate environmental changes of large areas. pp 559-565.
Ward JV; Garcia de Jalón D. Ephemeroptera of regulated mountain streams in Spain and Colorado. pp 567-578.
Section VII
Bastero Monserrat JJ. Longinos Navás, S.J., an approach to his life and entomological work. pp 581-584.
Elliott JM. Dr. T. T. Macan and his work on Ephemeroptera. pp 585-588.