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A version of this paper originally appeared in INSECTA MUNDI 4(1):247-254 (1986) Keep in mind that it has not been updated since then. A CATALOG OF THE MAYFLIES (EPHEMEROPTERA) OF HONG KONG
Michael D. Hubbard This paper is a catalog of the Ephemeroptera known from the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong. It includes all known references for each species, along with an indication of the type localities and depositions of type specimens. For each reference the stage (male, female, or nymph) is indicated if relevant. Keys which include the species also are indicated. The recorded distribution for each species is listed. For each genus are given the reference to the original description, information on the type species, and any synonyms. Abbreviations of places of type deposition are as follows: (BMNH), British Museum (Natural History), London; (Cornell), Cornell University, Ithaca, New York; (DEI), Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde; (Hamburg), Zoologisches Staatsinstitut und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg; (Hsu), personal collection of Y.-C. Hsu [the late Prof. Hsu indicated (personal communication) that because of events in China over the past few decades these specimens should be considered destroyed or lost]; (Utah), University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Although the taxonomic knowledge of the Hong Kong mayflies is still somewhat sketchy, there are substantial ecological studies ongoing at this time. Therefore, in order to facilitate future studies and comparisons of data, I have included in this catalog the "morphospecies" of Dudgeon (1982a, b, 1983, 1984a, b). The reader should be aware that many of the taxonomic assignments of these morphospecies are preliminary and actual placement will have to await future taxonomic studies. This paper is one in a continuing series of catalogs of the Ephemeroptera (cf. Hubbard & Peters 1978, Hubbard & Pescador 1978, Hubbard & Savage 1981, Hubbard 1982a,b). I thank Prof. David Dudgeon of the University of Hong Kong for his helpful comments in the preparation of this manuscript. This paper has been partially supported by a grant from the Cooperative States Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, to the Agriculture Research Programs at Florida A&M University. Order EphemeropteraFamily Baetidae Leach, 1815Subfamily Baetinae Leach, 1815Genus Baetis Leach, 1815
Baetis sp. T1
Baetis sp. T2
Baetis sp. T3
Baetis sp. T4
Baetis sp. T5
Baetis sp. L5
Baetis sp. L6
Baetis sp. L7
Baetis sp. L8
Baetis sp. cf. T3
Subfamily Cloeoninae Newman, 1853 Genus Centroptilum Eaton, 1869
Centroptilum sp. L1
Genus Cloeon Leach, 1815
Cloeon harveyi Kimmins
Genus Pseudocloeon Klapálek, 1905
Pseudocloeon sp. T1
Pseudocloeon sp. T2
Pseudocloeon sp. L3
Pseudocloeon sp.
Family Caenidae Newman, 1853Genus Caenis Stephens, 1835
Caenis sp. T1
Caenis sp. T2
Caenis sp. L2
Caenis sp. L3
Family Ephemeridae Latreille, 1810Genus Ephemera Linnaeus, 1758
Subgenus Ephemera Linnaeus, 1758 Ephemera (Ephemera) pulcherrima Eaton
Ephemera (Ephemera) serica Eaton
Ephemera (subgenus incertus) Ephemera sp. T1
Ephemera sp. T2
Ephemera sp.
Family Ephemerellidae Klapálek, 1909Subfamily Ephemerellinae Klapálek, 1909Genus Ephemerella Walsh, 1863
Ephemerella sp. T1
Ephemerella sp. T2
Ephemerella sp. L3
Family Heptageniidae Needham in Needham & Betten, 1901Subfamily Heptageniinae Needham in Needham & Betten, 1901Genus Compsoneuria Eaton, 1881
Compsoneuria sp. T1
Compsoneuria sp. T2
Genus Ecdyonurus Eaton, 1868
Ecdyonurus herklotsi Hsu, 1936
Genus Epeorus Eaton, 1881
Subgenus Iron Eaton, 1883
Epeorus (Iron) sp.
Epeorus (subgenus incertus) Epeorus sp. T1
Epeorus sp. T2
Genus Heptagenia Walsh, 1863
Heptagenia ngi Hsu, 1936
Genus Paegniodes Eaton, 1881
Paegniodes cupulatus (Eaton, 1871)
Genus Thalerosphyrus Eaton, 1881
Thalerosphyrus sp. T1
Family Leptophlebiidae Banks, 1900Subfamily Atalophlebiinae Peters, 1980Genus Choroterpes Eaton, 1881
Subgenus Euthraulus Barnard, 1932
Choroterpes (Euthraulus) sp.
Choroterpes (subgenus incertus) Choroterpes sp. T1
Genus Cryptopenella Gillies, 1951
Cryptopenella facialis Gillies, 1951
Genus Habrophlebiodes Ulmer, 1920
Habrophlebiodes gilliesi Peters, 1963
Genus Isca Gillies, 1951
Subgenus Isca Gillies, 1951 Isca (Isca) purpurea Gillies, 1951
Isca (subgenus incertus) Isca sp. T1
Isca sp.
Genus Thraulus Eaton, 1881
Thraulus sp. T1
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