Preliminary Checklist of mayfly families, genera and species known from Eastern Central Africa, with synonyms (including authors and dates for all specific name changes).
Compiled by Helen M. Barber-James
Department of Freshwater Invertebrates Albany Museum;
Research Associate Department of Zoology and Entomology, Rhodes Univesity, Grahamstown, South Africa.
December 2014
This checklist aims to include all possible and known mayfly species occurring in Eastern Central Africa (sensu Barber-James and Gattolliat (2012) (Figure 1). These broad bioregions are adapted from Thieme (2005). This list is provisional and will need periodic updating. Not all species included here have been verified in this region but are expected; more fieldwork is needed to ground truth and expand this list. Several new genera and species are recognised as nymphs but need adult material for species confirmation before description is possible. The 254 mm per annum rainfall isohyet demarcates the approximate northern boundary of the Afrotropical region (adapted from Crosskey and White, 1977).
Figure 1. Bioregions of Africa.
Note that in the lists below, the current valid names of the species (indicated by •) are followed by subordinate names when these exist (indicated by ○). The subordinate names are followed by an abbreviation in parentheses, indicating their status. All names, valid or subordinate, are followed by the actual author of that name and the date that name was published. The authors responsible for the latest names changes are indicated at the end of each list of synonyms.
Definitions of abbreviations and terms used:
(comb.) combination: a name recombined with a generic name different from the original;
(dub.) nomen dubium: a name that is of dubious status in that it cannot presently be determined what the species named as such actually is; although all nomina dubia have a generic name associated with them, keep in mind that some of them cannot actually be placed to any genus with confidence due to the lack, or loss, of original material on which the names were based;
(hom.) homonym: the name (as the unique combination of genus and species names) is or becomes the same as one used for another species at an earlier time; the subordinate homonym, therefore, had to be replaced with a new name, see
(renam.), below; the species name that has priority is also indicated within the parentheses along with (hom.);
(id.) misidentification: another valid species (not a subordinate name) with which the species has incorrectly been associated in the past;
(orig.) original: the original name, including the original name in its correct form if it has been changed from an incorrectly formed name;
(renam.) renamed: a new name given because the original or recombination of the original is a secondary homonym (the same as that which has been given to another species previously);
(spell.) spelling: a misspelled or incorrect form of the name;
(stat.) status: represents a change from species to subspecies status within the same species;
(syn.) synonym: another name that was proposed independently for the same species. Normally, the earliest published name takes priority.
(in part): some of the members of this species were originally described as another species.
[sic]: name written as stated by author, even though incorrect
1. Genus AcanthiopsWaltz and McCafferty, 1987
● Acanthiops cooperi (Gillies & Wuillot, 1997)
○ Platycloeon cooperi Gillies & Wuillot, 1997 (orig.)
○ Acanthiops cooperi Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998 (comb.)
● Acanthiops elgonensis Lugo-Ortiz &McCafferty 1998
○ Centoptilum sp. no. 3. Demoulin 1964 (syn.)
○ Acanthiops elgonensis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty 1998 (orig.)
○ Afroptiloides elgonensis Gillies 1999 (comb.)
○ Acanthiops elgonensis Lugo-Ortiz, Barber-James, McCafferty & de Moor, 2001 (comb.)
● Acanthiops erepens (Gillies, 1990)
○ Baetis cataractae Crass, 1947 (in part)
○ Baetis sp. A. Kimmins, 1955 (in part)
○ Afroptilum erepens Gillies, 1990 (orig.)
○ Platycloeon erepens Gillies & Wuillot, 1997 (comb.)
○ Acanthiops erepens Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998 (comb.)
● Acanthiops griffithsi Lugo-Ortiz &McCafferty 1998
○ Afroptiloides griffithsi Gillies 1999 (orig.)
○ Acanthiops griffithsi Lugo-Ortiz, Barber-James, McCafferty & de Moor, 2001 (comb.)
● Acanthiops variegatus (Gillies, 1991)
○ Afroptilum variegatum Gillies, 1991 (orig.)
○ Acanthiops variegatus Barber-James & McCafferty, 1997 (comb.)
○ Afroptiloides variegatum [sic] Gillies, 1999 (comb.)
○ Acanthiops variegatus Lugo-Ortiz, Barber-James, McCafferty & de Moor, 2001 (comb.)
● Acanthiops zomba Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998
○ Acentrella sp. A. Kimmins, 1955 (syn.)
○ Baetis sp. A. Kimmins, 1955 (in part) (syn.)
○ Centroptilum sp. A. Demoulin, 1970 (syn.)
○ Afroptilum (Afroptiloides) sp. A. Gillies, 1990 (syn.)
○ Acanthiops zomba Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998 (orig.)
○ Afroptiloides njombae [sic.] Gillies, 1999. (comb. spell.)
○ Acanthiops zomba Lugo-Ortiz, Barber-James, McCafferty & de Moor, 2001 (comb.)
2. Genus Afrobaetodes Demoulin, 1970
● Afrobaetodes berneri Demoulin, 1970 [Tanzania, Malawi]
○ Afrobaetodes pugio Gillies, 1991 (syn.)
○ Afrobaetodes intermedius Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 (syn.)
3. Genus Afroptilum Gillies, 1990
● Afroptilum biarcuatum (Kopelke, 1980)
○ Centroptilum biarcuatum Kopelke, 1980 (orig.)
○ Afroptilum biarcuatum Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
● Afroptilum bicorne (Ulmer, 1909)
○ Centroptilum bicorne Ulmer, 1909 (orig.)
○ Afroptilum bicorne Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
● Afroptilum boettgeri (Kopelke, 1980)
○ Centroptilum boettgeri Kopelke, 1980 (orig.)
○ Afroptilum boettgeri Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
● Afroptilum dicentrum (Demoulin, 1956)
○ Centroptilum dicentrum Demoulin, 1956 (orig.)
○ Afroptilum dicentrum Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
● Afroptilum sudafricanum (Lestage, 1924)
○ Centroptilum sudafricanum Lestage, 1924 (orig.)
○ Centroptilum montanum Kimmins, 1960 (syn.)
○ Afroptilum sudafricanum Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
4. Genus Baetis Leach, 1815
● Baetis aeneus Navàs, 1936
● Baetis harrisoni Barnard, 1932
● Baetis monikae Kopelke, 1980
● Baetis permultus Kopelke, 1980
● Baetis pseudogemellus Soldàn, 1977
● Baetis spatulatus Gillies, 1994
● Baetis tripunctatus Gillies, 1994
5. Genus BugilliesiaLugo-Ortiz &McCafferty, 1996
● Bugilliesia grisea (Gillies, 1990) ♂, ♀ imago. Nymph unknown. [Tanzania]
○ Afroptilum griseum Gillies, 1990 (orig.)
○ Bugilliesia grisea Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 (comb.)
● Bugilliesia notabilis (Kimmins, 1956) ♂, ♀ imago. Nymph unknown. [Uganda, Tanzania, Guinea, Mali, Ivory Coast]
○ Centroptilum notabile Kimmins, 1956 (orig.)
○ Afroptilum notabile Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
○ Bugilliesia notabilis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 (comb.)
● Bugilliesia sudanensis (Ulmer, 1916) ♂ imago. Nymph unknown. [Tanzania, Guinea, Gambia, Ivory Coast]
○ Centroptilum sudanense Ulmer, 1916 (orig.)
○ Afroptilim sudanense Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
○ Bugilliesia sudanensis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 (comb.)
6. Genus Centroptiloides Lestage, 1918
● Centroptiloides bifasciata (Esben-Petersen, 1913) [Southern Africa]
○ Centroptilum bifasciatum Esben-Petersen, 1913 (orig.)
○ Centroptiloides bifasciatus Lestage, 1918 (comb.)
○ Centroptiloides bifasciatum Ulmer, 1920 (renam.)
○ Haplobaetis umbratus Navás, 1922 (syn.)
○ Centroptiloides bifasciata Navás, 1922 (renam.)
○ Centroptiloides marginata Lestage, 1924 (syn.)
○ Centroptiloides collarti Navás, 1930 (syn.)
○ Centroptiloides umbratus Lestage, 1945 (syn.)
○ Centroptiloides bifasciatum (form hyalinum) Crass, 1947 (stat.)
○ Centroptiloides bifasciata (form marginata)Demoulin, 1957 (stat.)
● Centroptiloides ornatus Gillies, 2001
7. Genus Cheleocloeon Wuillot & Gillies, 1993
● Cheleocloeon littorale McCafferty, 2000
● Cheleocloeon sigiense Gillies, 2001
8. Genus Cloeodes Traver,1938
● Cloeodes dentatus (Kimmins, 1956)
○ Cloeon dentatum Kimmins, 1956
○ Potamocloeon dentatum Gillies, 1990
○ Afroptilum plumosum Wuillot, 1993
○ Maliqua plumosa Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1997
○ Maliqua abdallahi (McCafferty, 2000)
9. Genus CloeonLeach 1815
● Cloeon amaniensis Gillies, 1985
● Cloeon areolatum Navàs, 1930
● Cloeon rhodesiae Barnard, 1932
○ Cloeon carneum Navás, 1936 (syn.)
○ Cloeon stigmale Navás, 1936 (syn.)
● Cloeon scitulum Kimmins, 1955
● Cloeon smaeleni Lestage, 1924
○ Procloeon smaeleni Kimmins, 1960 (orig.)
○ Procloeon fraudulentum Demoulin, 1957 (syn.)
○ Cloeon affine Navás, 1930 (syn.)
○ Cloeon incertum Demoulin, 1957 (syn.)
○ Cloeon punctatum Navás, 1931 (syn.)
○ Cloeon smaeleni Gattolliat & Rabeantoandro, 2002 (comb.)
● Cloeon tanzaniae Gillies, 1985
10. Genus Crassabwa Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996
● Crassabwa loweae (Kimmins, 1949)
○ Centroptilum loweae Kimmins, 1949 (orig.)
○ Crassabwa loweae Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 (comb.)
11. Genus Dabulamanzia Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996
● Dabulamanzia babaora (Wuillot, 1993)
○ Afroptilum babaorum Wuillot, 1993 (orig.)
○ Dabulamanzia babaora Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 (comb.)
12. Genus Dicentroptilum Wuillot & Gillies, 1994
● Dicentroptilum clandestinum Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 2001
● Dicentroptilum decipiens (Gillies, 1990)
● Dicentroptilum spinulosum (Demoulin, 1970)
○ Centroptiloides spinulosa Demoulin, 1970 (orig.)
○ Afroptilum spinulosum Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
○ Dicentroptilum spinulosum Wuillot & Gillies, 1994 (comb.)
13. Genus Glossidion Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998
● Glossidion demoulini Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998
● Glossidion mysticum Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998
14. Genus Kivuiops McCafferty & Lugo-Ortiz, 1996
● Kivuiops insueta (Kopelke, 1980)
○ Cloeon insuetum Kopelke, 1980 (orig.)
○ Kivua insueta McCafferty & Lugo-Ortiz, 1996 (comb.)
15. Genus Mutelocloeon Gillies & Elouard, 1990
● Mutelocloeon corbeti (Kimmins, 1956)
○ Centroptilum corbeti Kimmins, 1956 (orig.)
○ Mutelocloeon corbeti Gillies & Elouard, 1990 (comb.)
16. Genus Ophelmatostoma Waltz & McCafferty, 1987
● Ophelmatostoma camerunense (Ulmer, 1920) [South Africa]
○ Pseudocloeon camerunense Ulmer, 1920 (orig.)
○ Pseudocloeon sp. A. Kimmins, 1955 (syn.)
○ Ophelmatostoma kimminsi Waltz & McCafferty, 1987 (syn.)
○ Ophelmatostoma camerunense Gillies, Elouard & Wuillot, 1990
17. Genus Procloeon Bengtsson, 1915
● Procloeon africanum (Esben-Petersen, 1913) [South Africa]
○ Cloeon africanum Esben-Petersen, 1913 (orig.)
○ Cloeon marginale Ulmer, 1916 (syn.)
○ Austrocloeon africanum Barnard, 1932 (comb.)
○ Cloeon africanum Demoulin, 1970 (comb.)
○ Procloeon africanum Gillies, 1997 (comb.)
● Procloeon cylindroculum Kimmins, 1955
18. Genus Pseudocloeon Klapàlek, 1905
● Pseudocloeon glaucum (Agnew, 1961) [South Africa]
○ Baetis glaucus Agnew, 1961 (orig.)
○ Baetis quintus Agnew, 1961 (syn.)
○ Labiobaetis masai Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1977 (syn.)
○ Labiobaetis nadineae Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1997 (syn.)
○ Pseudocloeon masai Lugo-Ortiz, de Moor & Barber-James, 2000 (comb., syn)
○ Pseudocloeon nadineae Lugo-Ortiz, de Moor & Barber-James, 2000 (comb., syn)
○ Pseudocloeon quintum Lugo-Ortiz, de Moor & Barber-James, 2000 (comb., syn.)
○ Pseudocloeon glaucum Lugo-Ortiz, McCafferty & Waltz, 1999 (comb.)
● Pseudocloeon mtone (Gillies, 1994)
○ Baetis mtonis Gillies, 1994 (orig.)
○ Labiobaetis mtonis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1997 (comb.)
○ Pseudocloeon mtone Lugo-Ortiz, McCafferty & Waltz, 1999 (comb.)
19. Genus Pseudopannota Waltz & McCafferty, 1987
● Pseudopannota maculosa (Crass, 1947)
○ Pseudocloeon maculosum Crass, 1947 (orig.)
○ Pseudopannota maculosa Elouard, Gillies & Wuillot, 1990 (comb.)
20. Genus Rhithrocloeon Gillies, 1985
● Rhithrocloeon indicator Gillies, 1985
● Rhithrocloeon permirum (Kopelke, 1980)
○ Cloeon permirum Kopelke, 1980 (orig.)
○ Rhithrocloeon permirum Gillies, 1985 (comb.)
21. Genus Tanzaniops McCafferty & Barber-James 2005 [=Tanzaniella Gillies, 1991, n. hom., nec Tanzaniella Hoffman, 1977]
● Tanzaniops gorillorus (McCafferty, 2002)
○ Tanzaniella gorillora McCafferty, 2002 (orig.)
○ Tanzaniops gorillorus McCafferty& Barber-James, 2005 (comb.)
● Tanzaniops spinosus (Gillies, 1991)
○ Tanzaniella spinosa Gillies, 1991 (orig)
○ Tanzaniops spinosus McCafferty& Barber-James, 2005 (comb.)
22. Genus Thraulobaetodes Elouard & Hideux, 1991
● Thraulobaetodes cumminsorum Elouard & Hideux, 1991
23. Genus Xyrodromeus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1997
● Xyrodromeus africanus Lugo-Ortiz &McCafferty, 1997
Family HEPTAGENIIDAE Needham, 1901
1. Genus Afronurus Lestage, 1924
● Afronurus aethereus (Navàs, 1936) [Kenya, Mt Elgon]
○ Ecdyonurus aethereus Navàs, 1936 (orig.)
○ Afronurus aethereus Demoulin, 1965 (comb.)
● Afronurus elgonenis Puthz, 1971 [Kenya, Mt Elgon]
● Afronurus ethiopicus (Soldàn, 1977) [Sudan]
○ Thalerosphyrus ethiopicus Soldàn, 1977 (orig.)
● Afronurus gilliesi Corbet, 1962 [Tanzania]
● Afronurus negi Corbert, 1960 [Uganda]
● Afronurus pulcher Ulmer, 1930 [DRC]
○ Adenophlebia collarti Navàs, 1930 (orig.)
○ Afronurus collarti Demoulin, 1970 (comb.)
● Afronurus ugandanus Kimmins, 1956 [Uganda, Malawi]
2. Genus Notonurus Crass, 1947
● Notonurus njalensis (Kimmins, 1937) [Uganda]
○ Afronurus njalensis Kimmins, 1937 (orig.)
○ Notonurus njalensis Demoulin, 1956 (comb.)
○ Compsoneuriella njalensis Gillies, 1963 (comb.)
○ Notonurus njalensis Demoulin, 1970 (comb.)
○ Compsoneuriella njalensis Gillies, 1984 (comb.)
○ Compsoneuria njalensis Braasch & Soldàn, 1986 (comb.)
○ Thalerosphyrus njalensis de Moor, Barber-James, Harrison & Lugo-Ortiz, 2000 (comb.)
○ Thalerosphyrus njalensis McCafferty, 2003 (comb.) (official combination)
○ Compsoneuria njalensis Webb, Braasch & McCafferty, 2006 (comb.)
○ Notonurus njalensis Vuataz, Sartori, Gattolliat & Monaghan, 2013 (comb.)
Family OLIGONEURIIDAE Ulmer, 1920
1. Genus Elassoneuria Eaton, 1881
● Elassoneuria candida Eaton, 1913 [Uganda]
● Elassoneuria grandis Gillies, 1974 [Tanzania]
● Elassoneuria kidahi Gillies, 1974 [Tanzania]
● Elassoneuria trimeniana (McLachlan, 1868) [throughout tropical Africa]
○ Oligoneuria trimeniana McLachlan 1868 (orig.)
○ Elassoneuria trimeniana Eaton, 1881 (comb.)
○ Elassoneuria congolana Navàs, 1911 (syn.)
2. Genus Oligoneuriopsis Crass, 1947
● Oligoneuriopsis dobbsi (Eaton, 1912) [Kenya]
○ Oligoneuria dobbsi Eaton, 1912 (orig.)
○ Oligoneuriella dobbsi Ulmer, 1924 (comb.)
○ Oligoneuriella grandevea Navàs, 1936 (syn.)
○ Oligoneuriopsis grandevea Demoulin, 1965 (comb.,syn.)
○ Oligoneuriopsis dobbsi Kimmins, 1960 (comb.)
Family DICERCOMYZIDAE Edmunds and Traver (1954) (as Dicercomyzinae); new status Jacobus and McCafferty (2006)
1. Genus Dicercomyzon Demoulin, 1954
● Dicercomyzon costale Kimmins, 1957 [Tanzania]
● Dicercomyzon sjösterdti Ulmer, 1910 [Tanzania]
○ Caenis sjösterdti Ulmer, 1909 (orig.)
○ Tricorythus sjösterdti Lestage, 1918 (comb.)
○ Dicercomyzon sjösterdti Demoulin 1954 (comb.)
○ Dicercomyzon marginatum Kimmins, 1957 (syn.)
Family TRICORYTHIDAE Lestage, 1942
1. Genus Tricorythus Eaton, 1868
● Tricorythus abyssinica Ulmer, 1930 [Ethiopia]
○ Neurocaenis abyssinica Demoulin, 1954 (orig.)
○ Tricorythus abyssinica Oliarinony, Elouard & Raberiaka, 1998 (comb.)
● Tricorythus exopthalmus Kluge 2010 [Uganda]
● Tricorythus lanceolatus Ulmer, 1916 [Uganda]
● Tricorythus latus Ulmer, 1916 [Uganda]
● Tricorythus longus Ulmer, 1916 [Uganda]
○ Caenis regia Navás, 1932 (orig.)
○ Caenis collarti Navás, 1933 (comb.)
● Tricorythus poincinsi Navás, 1926 [Kenya]
○ Neurocaenis poincinsi Demoulin, 1954 (orig.)
○ Tricorythus poincinsi Oliarinony, Elouard & Raberiaka, 1998 (comb.)
● Tricorythus tinctus Kimmins, 1956 [Kenya]
Family EPHEMERYTHIDAE McCafferty & Wang, 2000
1. Genus EphemerythusGillies, 1960
● Ephemerythus kiboensis Gillies, 1960 (orig.) [Tanzania]
○ Limnokijara kiboensis (Jacobus and McCafferty, 2006) (comb.)
○ Ephemerythus kiboensis Kluge 2010 (comb.)
● Ephemerythus niger Gillies, 1960 ♂♀ nymph [Uganda, Tanzania]
○ Ephemerythus dissimillimus Kopelke, 1981 adult male and female
○ Ephemerythus straeleni Demoulin, 1964
○ Ephemerythus niger Kluge 2010 (comb.)
● Ephemerythus pictus Gillies, 1960 [Tanzania]
○ Limnokijara picta (Jacobus and McCafferty, 2006) (comb.)
○ Ephemerythus pictus Kluge 2010 (comb.)
● Ephemerythus ugandanus Kluge 2010 [Uganda]
Family MACHADORYTHIDAE McCafferty & Wang, 2000
1. Genus MachadorythusDemoulin, 1959
● Machadorythus maculatus (Kimmins, 1949)
○ Tricorythus maculatus Kimmins, 1949 (orig.)
○ Machadorythus palaquim Demoulin, 1959 (syn.)
○ Machadorythus maculatus Elouard & Gillies, 1989 (comb.)
Superfamily CAENOIDEA
Family CAENIDAE Ulmer, 1920
1. Genus Afrocaenis Gillies, 1982
● Afrocaenis browni Gillies, 1983 [Tanzania]
● Afrocaenis major (Gillies, 1977) [Tanzania]
○ Caenospella major Gillies, 1977 (orig.)
○ Afrocaenis major Gillies, 1982 comb.)
2. Genus Afrocercus Malzacher, 1987
● Afrocercus forcipatus Malzacher, 1987 ♂,♀ imago, nymph. [Uganda, Guinea, Ivory Coast]
3. Genus Caenis Stephens, 1835
● Caenis aethiopica Navás, 1935 [Ethiopia]
● Caenis aliciae Malzacher, 1990 [Tanzania]
● Caenis antelucana Malzacher, 1990 [Senegal]
● Caenis berneri Kimmins, 1955 [Malawi]
● Caenis brevipes Kimmins, 1956 [Uganda]
○ Caenomedea brevipes Thew, 1960 (orig.)
○ Caenis brevipes Malzacher, 1993 (comb.)
● Caenis cibaria Eaton, 1879 [Malawi]
○ Caenis cibaria Eaton, 1879 (orig.)
○ Caenomedea cibaria Thew, 1960 (comb.)
○ Caenis cibaria Malzacher, 1993 (comb.)
● Caenis cincta Demoulin, 1956 [Lake Tanganyika]
○ Caenomedea cincta Demoulin, 1965 (orig.)
○ Caenis cincta Malzacher, 1993 (comb.)
● Caenis corbeti Malzacher, 1990 [Uganda]
● Caenis duodecima Malzacher, 1990 [Tanzania]
● Caenis edwardsi Kimmins, 1939 [Uganda]
● Caenis ghibana Malzacher, 1990 [Ethiopia]
● Caenis jinjana (Kimmins, 1956) [Uganda]
○ Caenodes jinjana Kimmins, 1956 (orig.)
○ Caenis jinjana Malzacher, 1993 (comb.)
● Caenis kungu Eaton, 1879 {Lake Malawi}
○ Caenis kungu Eaton, 1879 (orig.)
○ Caenodes kungu Thew, 1960 (comb.)
○ Caenis kungu Malzacher, 1993 (comb.)
● Caenis margherita Malzacher, 1990 [Ethiopia]
● Caenis nervulosa Malzacher, 1990 [Ethiopia]
● Caenis noctivaga Malzacher, 1990 [Tanzania]
● Caenis occulta Malzacher, 1990 [Uganda]
● Caenis pallida Malzacher, 1990 Ethiopia, Chad
● Caenis scotti Ulmer, 1930 [Ethiopia]
4. Genus Caenospella Gillies, 1977
● Caenospella meridies Gillies, 1977 [Tanzania]
Family EPHEMERIDAE Ulmer 1920
1. Genus Afromera Demoulin, 1955 (= Dicrephemera McCafferty & Edmunds, 1973)
● Afromera aequatorialis (Kimmins, 1956) [Uganda]
○ Ephemera aequatorialis Kimmins, 1956 (orig.)
○ Afromera aequatorialis Kimmins, 1960 (comb.)
● Afromera natalensis (Barnard, 1931) [Malawi, Uganda]
○ Ephemera natalensis Barnard, 1932 (orig.)
○ Afromera natalensis Demoulin, 1955 (comb.)
2. Genus Eatonica Navás, 1913
● Eatonica crassi McCafferty, 1971 [South Africa]
● Eatonica schoutedeni (Navás, 1911) [South Africa, Kenya,Togo]
○ Ephemera schoutedeni Navás, 1911 (orig.)
○ Hexagenia illustris Eaton, 1913 (syn.)
○ Hexagenia fulva Esben-Petersen, 1913 (syn.)
○ Hexagenia reticulata Navás, 1913 (syn.)
○ Eatonica schoutedeni Navás, 1913 (comb.)
○ Ephemera nimia Navás, 1915 (syn.)
○ Pentagenia schoutedeni Umler, 1916 (comb.)
○ Eatonica illustris Kimmins, 1960 (comb., syn.)
○ Eatonica schoutedeni Demoulin, 1970 (comb.)
Family EUTHYPLOCIIDAE Lestage 1921
1. Genus Exeuthyplocia Lestage, 1918
● Exeuthyplocia minima (Ulmer, 1916)[Uganda]
○ Euthyplocia minima Ulmer, 1916 (orig.)
○ Exeuthyplocia minima Lestage, 1918 (comb.)
Family POLYMITARCYIDAE Ulmer, 1920
1. Genus Ephoron Williamson, 1802
● Ephoron savignyi (Pictet, 1843) [Tropical Africa]
○ Palingenia savignyi Pictet, 1843 (orig.)
○ Polymitarcys savignyii Eaton, 1871 (comb.)
○ Polymitarcys savignyi Eaton, 1883 (comb.)
○ Polymitarcys capensis Esben-Petersen, 1913 (syn.)
○ Polymitarcys temerata Navás, 1916 (syn.)
○ Ephoron savignyi Spieth, 1940 (comb.)
2. Genus Povilla Navás, 1912
● Povilla adusta Navás, 1912 [Tropical Africa]
1. Genus Adenophlebia Eaton, 1881
● Adenophlebia burgeoni Navás, 1929 [Uganda]
2. Genus Adenophlebiodes Ulmer, 1924
● Adenophlebiodes ornatus Ulmer, 1916 [Uganda]
3. Genus Euthraulus Barnard, 1932
● Euthraulus bugandensis Kimmins, 1956 (Uganda, Tanzania)
● Euthraulus curtus Kimmins, 1956 (Uganda)
● Euthraulus tropicalis Gillies, 1957 (Tanzania)
● Euthraulus usambarae Gillies, 1957 (Tanzania)
10. Genus Hyalophlebia Demoulin, 1955
● Hyalophlebia demoulini (Kimmins, 1960) [East Africa]
○ Adenophlebiodes demoulini Kimmins, 1960 (orig.)
○ Hyalophlebia demoulini McCafferty & de Moor, 1995 (comb.)
16. Genus Thraulus Eaton, 1881
● Thraulus fasciatus (Kimmins, 1956) [Uganda]
○ Hagenulus fasciata Kimmins, 1956 (orig.)
○ Marsharikella fasciata Peters, Gillies & Edmunds, 1964 (comb.)
○ Thraulus fasciatus Peters & Edmunds, 1970 (comb.)
● Thraulus torrentis (Gillies, 1964) [Tanzania]
○ Marsharikella torrentis Gillies, 1964 (orig.)
○ Thraulus torrentis Peters & Edmunds, 1970 (comb.)
Family: PROSOPISTOMATIDAE Lestage, 1921
1. Genus Prosopistoma Latreille, 1833
● Prosopistoma africanum Gillies, 1954
● Prosopistoma undescribed species.
Non-taxonomic references
Barber-James, H.M. and Gattolliat, J-L. 2012. How well are Afrotropical mayflies known? Status of current knowledge, practical applications and future directions. Inland Waters. 2: 1-9.
Crosskey, R.W. and White, G.B. 1977. The Afrotropical Region. Journal of Natural History. 11:541–544.
Thieme, M.L., Abell, R., Stiassny, M.L.J. and Skelton, P. 2005. Freshwater Ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar – A Conservation Assessment. Washington (DC): Island Press. 431p.