The Permanent Committee of the International Conferences on Ephemeroptera
The Permanent Committee of the International Conferences on Ephemeroptera has two main functions:
- arrange for, facilitate and ensure the continuity of the International Conferences every 3-4 years, in principle together with the International Symposia on Plecoptera;
- use proceeds from investment of excess funds from International Conferences, and other donations, to financially assist deserving students of mayflies to attend the International Conferences on Ephemeroptera.
- Michel Sartori, Lausanne, Switzerland (chairman)
- Javier Alba-Tercedor, Granada, Spain (vice-chairman, head of the scholarship funds)
- Helen Barber-James, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
- John Brittain, Oslo, Norway
- Ian Campbell, Melbourne, Australia
- Eduardo Domínguez, Tucumán, Argentina
- Donna Giberson, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada (editor of the Mayfly Newsletter)
- Peter Grant, Weatherford, USA
- Frederico F. Salles, Viçosa, Brazil
- Arnold H. Staniczek, Stuttgart, Germany (webmaster of Ephemeroptera Galactica)
- Alexa Alexander Trusiak, Fredericton, NB, Canada (treasurer)
Former Conferences and convenors
[Joint meetings with the International Symposia on Plecoptera marked by *]
1970 - Tallahassee, Florida, USA (William L. Peters)
1975 - Kraków, Poland (Ryszard Sowa)
1979 - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (John F. Flannagan)
1983 - Bechyně, Czechoslovakia (Vladimir Landa & Tomas Soldán)
1987* - Marysville, Victoria, Australia (Ian C. Campbell)
1989* - Grenada, Spain (Javier Alba-Tercedor & Antonino Sanchez-Ortega)
1992 - Orono, Maine, USA (K. Elisabeth Gibbs)
1995* - Lausanne, Switzerland (Michel Sartori & Peter Landolt)
1998* - Tafi del Valle, Tucumán, Argentina (Eduardo Dominguez)
2001* - Perugia, Italy (Elda Gaino)
2004* - Polson, Montana, USA (Jack Stanford & Rick Hauer)
2008* - Stuttgart, Germany (Arnold H. Staniczek)
2012* - Wakayama, Japan (Yasuhiro Takemon)
2015* - Aberdeen, Scotland, UK (Craig Macadam)
2018* - Aracruz, Espírito Santo, Brazil (Frederico F. Salles)
2021* - Online meeting streamed from Fort Collins, Colorado, USA (Ed de Walt & Boris Kondratieff)
Next meeting
In The 17th International Conference on Ephemeroptera will be held jointly with the 21th International Symposium on Plecoptera from Sunday 21 July through 26 July 2024 in Turin, Italy
Help us
Any donation you may do will help the committee to fund young scientists throughout the world to attend the next meeting in Turin. Thank you in advance. Please, contact Alexa Alexander Trusiak, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Department of Biology and Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick, #10 Bailey Drive, P.O. Box 4400,Fredericton, NB, CANADA, E3B 5A3 or Thank you in advance for your kind and generous support.
Conference proposals
The International Conferences on Ephemeroptera and International Symposia on Plecoptera usually take place every three years. The next meeting will take place in Turin, Italy (2024).
If you are considering the possibility of hosting the conference in 2027, please note the following.
Representatives from the International Conferences on Ephemeroptera and the International Society of Plecopterologists established a set of guidelines for submitting proposals to host the joint conferences. These guidelines are:
Preliminary Proposals
Preliminary proposals to host a conference may be submitted six years prior to the year of the proposed conference, but final vote on the conference site will not be made until three years prior to the actual conference date.
Final proposals
1. Proposals should be submitted at least one month prior to the conference during which the proposal will be officially presented.
2. A copy of the proposal should be sent to the chair of each committee
- International Conferences on Ephemeroptera: Michel Sartori (
- International Society of Plecopterologists: John Brittain (
3. Proposals should be submitted by e-mail. This facilitates distribution of the proposal to the members of the two committees.
4. Proposals should contain detailed information regarding plans to host the conference.
Contact either chair for additional information.