Provisional checklist of Angolan Ephemeroptera families, genera and species, with synonyms
(including authors and dates for all species taxonomic name changes over time)
Lista provisória de famílias, gêneros e espécies de Ephemeroptera angolanos, com sinônimos (incluindo autores e datas para todas as mudanças de nome taxonômico de espécies ao longo do tempo)
Compiled by Helen M. Barber–James1,2,3 & Ina S. Ferreira 2,1,3
May 2020.
2Department of Zoology and Entomology, Rhodes University, Makhanda (Grahamstown) 6140, South Africa.
3National Geographic Okavango Wilderness Project, Wild Bird Trust, South Africa.
Introduction / Introdução
This checklist aims to include all Ephemeroptera (mayfly) species which have been recorded in Angola (Fig. 1) to date. Some are confirmed from recent collections and others are tentatively placed as unknown species. It must be seen as provisional, a starting point to record mayfly diversity in this country. Much further ground–truthing is still needed, and this list will periodically be updated.
Esta lista de verificação visa incluir todas as espécies de Ephemeroptera que foram registradas para Angola (Fig. 1) até o momento. Algumas são confirmadas por coleções recentes e outras são provisoriamente colocadas como espécies desconhecidas. Esta lista deve ser vista como provisória, um ponto de partida para registrar a diversidade de efemérides neste país. Ainda é necessário muito mais em campo e essa lista será atualizada periodicamente.
Figure 1. Map of Africa, showing Angola in green.
Figura 1. Mapa da África, mostrando Angola em verde.
Please note that the current valid names of the species (indicated by ●) are followed by subordinate names when these exist (indicated by ○). The subordinate names are followed by an abbreviation in parentheses, indicating their status. All names, valid or subordinate, are followed by the author of that name and the date that name was published. The authors responsible for the latest names changes are indicated with each taxon listed as synonyms. Definitions of abbreviations and terms used are given as an appendix at the end. The distributions of the species from other African countries and the rivers within Angola from which they have been collected are indicated next to the current species name.
See Barber–James and Ferreira (2019) for a more detailed account of species distribution within the country.
Observe que os nomes válidos atuais das espécies (indicados por ●) são seguidos por nomes subordinados quando existem (indicados por ○). Os nomes subordinados são seguidos por uma abreviação entre parênteses, indicando seu status. Todos os nomes, válidos ou subordinados, são seguidos pelo autor desse nome e pela data em que o nome foi publicado. Os autores responsáveis pelas alterações dos nomes mais recentes são indicados com cada táxon listado como sinônimo. Definições de abreviaturas e termos usados são apresentados como apêndice no final. As distribuições das espécies de outros países africanos e os rios dentro de Angola nos quais as espécies foram coletadas são indicados ao lado do nome atual da espécie.Veja Barber–James e Ferreira (2019) para uma descrição mais detalhada da distribuição das espécies no país.
Barber–James, H.M. and Ferreira, I.S. 2019. The Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Angola – new species and distribution records from previously unchartered waters, with a provisional species checklist. Zoosymposia 16: 124–138. PDF
Checklist of Angola Ephemeroptera species
1. Genus Acanthiops Waltz and McCafferty, 1987
● Acanthiops sp. 1 (new species) [Angola – Cunene River]
● Acanthiops sp. 2 (new species) [Angola – Lungué–Bungo River]
2. Genus Afrobaetodes Demoulin, 1970
● Afrobaetodes berneri Demoulin, 1970 [Malawi, NE South Africa, Angola – Cuito & Cuanavale Rivers]
○ Afrobaetodes pugio Gillies, 1991 (syn.)
○ Afrobaetodes intermedius Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 (syn.)
3. Genus Afroptilum Gillies, 1990
● Afroptilum sudafricanum (Lestage, 1924) [Southern and East Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Centroptilum sudafricanum Lestage, 1924 (orig.)
○ Centroptilum montanum Kimmins, 1960 (syn.)
○ Afroptilum sudafricanum Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
4. Genus Baetis Leach, 1815
● Baetis magae (Barnard, 1932) [South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Pseudocloeon magae Barnard, 1932 (orig.)
○ Baetis magae Gillies, 1994 (comb.)
5. Genus Bugilliesia Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996
● Bugillesia nitida (Ulmer, 1916) [Democratic Republic of the Congo; Angola – Cuanavale, Cuando & Lungué–Bungo Rivers].
○ Centroptilum nitidum Ulmer, 1916 (orig.)
○ Cloeon nigroalbum Navás, 1932 (syn.)
○ Cloeon bredoanum Navás, 1933 (syn.)
○ Centroptilum nitidum Demoulin, 1957 (comb.)
○ Afroptilum nitidum Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
○ Bugillesia nitida Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 (comb.)
6. Genus Centroptiloides Lestage, 1918
● Centroptiloides bifasciata (Esben–Petersen, 1913) [Central Africa, East Africa, South Africa, Angola – Cubango River]
○ Centroptilum bifasciatum Esben–Petersen, 1913 (orig.)
○ Centroptiloides bifasciatus Lestage, 1918 (comb.)
○ Centroptiloides bifasciatum Ulmer, 1920 (renam.)
○ Haplobaetis umbratus Navás, 1922 (syn.)
○ Centroptiloides bifasciata Navás, 1922 (renam.)
○ Centroptiloides marginata Lestage, 1924 (syn.)
○ Centroptiloides collarti Navás, 1930 (syn.)
○ Centroptiloides umbratus Lestage, 1945 (syn.)
○ Centroptiloides bifasciatum (form hyalinum) Crass, 1947 (stat.)
○ Centroptiloides bifasciata (form marginata)Demoulin, 1957 (stat.)
7. Genus Cheleocloeon Wuillot & Gillies, 1993
● Cheleocloeon clavifolium Kluge, 2016 [Zambia, Angola – Cubango River]
● Cheleocloeon excisum (Barnard, 1932) [South Africa, Angola – Cunene, Cuanavale, Cuito, Cuando, Cuemba, Lungué–Bungo & Luanginga Rivers]
○ Centroptilum excisum Barnard, 1932 (orig.)
○ Afroptilum excisum Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
○ Cheleocloeon excisum Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1997 (comb.)
● Cheleocloeon loweae (Kimmins, 1949) [East Africa, Angola – Cuando River]
○ Centroptilum loweae Kimmins, 1949 (orig.)
○ Afroptilum loweae Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
○ Crassabwa loweae Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 (comb.)
○ Cheleocloeon loweae Kluge, Gattolliat & Salles, 2017 (comb.)
● Cheleocloeon spp. Two possibly new species [Angola – Cuito, Cuando, Lungué-Bungo Rivers]
8. Genus Cloeon Leach 1815
● Cloeon areolatum Navàs, 1930 [Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola – Cuanavale, Cuando, Cuemba & Luanginga Rivers]
● Cloeon bellum Navàs, 1931 [West and Central Africa, Angola – Cuando & Cuemba Rivers]
● Cloeon perkinsi Barnard, 1932 [Southern Africa, East Africa, Angola – Cuanavale & Cuando Rivers]
● Cloeon smaeleni Lestage, 1924 [Democratic Republic of the Congo, West Africa, East Africa, Angola – Cuando & Cuemba Rivers]
● Cloeon rhodesiae Barnard, 1932 [Southern Africa, East Africa, Angola – Cubango Cuanavale & Cuemba Rivers]
○ Procloeon rhodesiae Kimmins, 1956 (comb.)
○ Cloeon carneum Navás, 1936 (syn.) Demoulin, 1957
○ Cloeon stigmale Navás, 1936 (syn.) Demoulin, 1957
○ Cloeon rhodesiae (comb.) Demoulin, 1965
9. Genus Crassabwa Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996
● Crassabwa flava (Crass, 1947) [South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Centroptilum flavum Crass, 1947 (orig.)
○ Afroptilum flavum Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
○ Crassabwa flava Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 (comb.)
● Crassabwa sp. 1 (new species) [Angola – Cuemba & Lungué–Bungo Rivers]
10. Genus Crassolus Salles, Gattolliat and Sartori, 2016.
● Crassolus inzingae (Crass, 1947) [South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Pseudocloeon inzingae Crass 1947
○ Pseudocloeon saxophilum Agnew 1961
○ Baetis inzingae Gillies 1994
○ Baetis saxophilus Gillies 1994
○ Cloeodes inzingae Waltz & McCafferty 1994
○ Cloeodes saxophilus de Moor & McCafferty 1996
○ Crassolus inzingae Salles, Gattolliat & Sartori 2016 (comb.)
11. Genus Dabulamanzia Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996
● Dabulamanzia fica Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 [South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
● Dabulamanzia media (Crass, 1947) [South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Centroptilum medium Crass, 1947 (orig.)
○ Afroptilum medium Gillies, 1990 (comb.)
○ Dabulamanzia media Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996 (comb.)
12. Genus Delouardus Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1999 [Madagascar]
● Delouardus sp 1. [Angola – Lungué–Bungo River]
13. Genus Dicentroptilum Wuillot & Gillies, 1994
● Dicentroptilum papillosum Wuillot, 1994 [West Africa, Angola – Cubango & Cunene Rivers]
14. Genus Labiobaetis Novikova & Kluge, 1987
● Labiobaetis glaucum (Agnew, 1961) [Afrotropical, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Baetis glaucus Agnew, 1961 (orig.)
○ Baetis quintus Agnew, 1961 (syn.)
○ Labiobaetis masai Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1977 (syn.)
○ Labiobaetis nadineae Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1997 (syn.)
○ Pseudocloeon masai Lugo–Ortiz, de Moor & Barber–James, 2000 (comb., syn)
○ Pseudocloeon nadineae Lugo–Ortiz, de Moor & Barber–James, 2000 (comb., syn)
○ Pseudocloeon quintum Lugo–Ortiz, de Moor & Barber–James, 2000 (comb., syn.)
○ Pseudocloeon glaucum Lugo–Ortiz, McCafferty & Waltz, 1999 (comb.)
○ Labiobaetis glaucum Kluge & Novikova, 2016 (comb)
● Labiobaetis kalengoensis (Kopelke, 1980) [Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Baetis kalengoensis Kopelke, 1980 (orig.)
○ Labiobaetis kalengoensis Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1997 (comb.)
○ Pseudocloeon kalengoense Lugo–Ortiz, McCafferty & Waltz, 1999 (comb.)
○ Labiobaetis kalengoensis Kluge & Novikova, 2016 (comb).
● Labiobaetis piscis Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1997 (orig.) [South Africa, Angola – Cubango & Cunene Rivers]
○ Pseudocloeon piscis Lugo–Ortiz, McCafferty & Waltz, 1999 (comb.)
○ Labiobaetis piscis Kluge & Novikova, 2016 (comb).
● Labiobaetis vinosus (Barnard, 1932) [South Africa, Angola – Cubango & Cunene Rivers]
○ Pseudocloeon vinosum Barnard, 1932 (orig.)
○ Baetis vinosus Gillies, 1994 (comb.)
○ Pseudocloeon minutum Crass, 1947 (syn.)
○ Baetis minutus Gillies, 1994 (comb., syn.)
○ Labiobaetis vinosus Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1997 (comb.)
○ Pseudocloeon vinosum Lugo–Ortiz, McCafferty & Waltz, 1999 (comb.)
○ Labiobaetis vinosus Kluge & Novikova, 2016 (comb).
● Labiobaetis sp 1 [Angola – Cunene & CubangoRivers]
● Labiobaetis sp 2, 3 [Angola – Cuito, Cuando & Luangina Rivers]
15. Genus Nigrobaetis Novikova & Kluge, 1987
● Nigrobaetis bethunae Lugo–Ortiz & de Moor, 2000 [South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
16. Genus Procloeon Bengtsson, 1915
● Procloeon africanum (Esben–Petersen, 1913) [Southern Africa, Anglo – Lake Cuanavale, Cuito & Cunene Rivers]
○ Cloeon africanum Esben–Petersen, 1913 (orig.)
○ Cloeon marginale Ulmer, 1916 (syn.)
○ Austrocloeon africanum Barnard, 1932 (comb.)
○ Cloeon africanum Demoulin, 1970 (comb.)
○ Procloeon africanum Gillies, 1997 (comb.)
17. Genus Pseudopannota Waltz & McCafferty, 1987
● Pseudopannota bertrandi (Demoulin, 1967) [West Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Pseudocloeon bertrandi Demoulin, 1967 (orig.)
○ Pseudopannota bertrandi Waltz & McCafferty, 1987 (comb.)
● Pseudopannota camerunense (Ulmer, 1920) [Cameroon, Uganda, South Africa, Angola – Cuito, Cuanavale, Cubango & Lungué–Bungo Rivers]
○ Pseudocloeon camerunense Ulmer, 1920 (orig.) Type of Ophelmatostoma
○ Pseudocloeon sp. A. Kimmins, 1955 (syn.)
○ Ophelmatostoma kimminsi Waltz & McCafferty, 1987 (syn.) by Gillies, Elouard & Wuillot, 1990
○ Ophelmatostoma camerunense Gillies, Elouard & Wuillot, 1990
○ Pseudopannota camerunense Kluge & Novikova, 2016
● Pseudopannota sp. 1. (new species)[Angola – Cuito, Cuanavale, Cuando & Cuemba Rivers]
18. Genus Securiops Jacobus, McCafferty and Gattolliat 2006
● Securiops macafertiorum (Lugo–Ortiz, 1996) [South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Potamocloeon macafertiorum Lugo–Ortiz, 1996
○ Potamocloeon dentatum Gattolliat, 2003 (syn.)
○ Potamocloeon macafertiorum (Jacobus & McCafferty, 2005) (comb.)
○ Secuirops macafertiorum Jacobus, McCafferty and Gattolliat 2006
19. Genus Susua Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998
● Susua niandanensis (Wuillot, 1993) [West Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Afroptilum niandanensis Wuillot, 1993 (orig.)
○ Susua niandanensis Lugo–Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998 (comb.)
Family HEPTAGENIIDAE Needham, 1901
1. Genus Afronurus Lestage, 1924
● Afronurus peringueyi (Esben–Petersen, 1913) [South Africa, Angola – Cunene & Cubango Rivers]
○ Ecdyurus peringueyi Esben–Petersen, 1913 (orig.)
○ Afronurus peringueyi Lestage, 1924 (comb.)
● Afronurus subflavus Kopelke, 1981 [Democratic Republic of the Congo]
● Afronurus ugandanus Kimmins, 1956 [East Africa, South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
2. Genus Notonurus Crass, 1947
● Notonurus njalensis (Kimmins, 1937) [Sierra Leone, Uganda, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Afronurus njalensis Kimmins, 1937 (orig.)
○ Notonurus njalensis Demoulin, 1956 (comb.)
○ Compsoneuriella njalensis Gillies, 1963 (comb.)
○ Notonurus njalensis Demoulin, 1970 (comb.)
○ Compsoneuriella njalensis Gillies, 1984 (comb.)
○ Compsoneuria njalensis Braasch & Soldàn, 1986 (comb.)
○ Thalerosphyrus njalensis de Moor, Barber–James, Harrison & Lugo–Ortiz, 2000 (comb.)
○ Thalerosphyrus njalensis McCafferty, 2003 (comb.) (official combination)
○ Compsoneuria njalensis Webb, Braasch & McCafferty, 2006 (comb.)
○ Notonurus njalensis Vuataz, Sartori, Gattolliat & Monaghan 2013 (comb.)
● Notonurus tortinervis (Navás, 1930) [Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Adenophlebia tortinervis Navás, 1930 (orig.)
○ Notonurus tortinervis Demoulin, 1956 (comb.)
○ Compsoneuriella tortinervis Gillies, 1963 (comb.)
○ Notonurus tortinervis Demoulin, 1970 (comb.)
○ Compsoneuriella tortinervis Gillies, 1984 (comb.)
○ Compsoneuria tortinervis Braasch & Soldàn, 1986 (comb.)
○ Thalerosphyrus tortinervis de Moor, Barber–James, Harrison & Lugo–Ortiz, 2000 (comb.)
○ Thalerosphyrus tortinervis McCafferty, 2003 (comb.)
○ Compsoneuria tortinervis Webb, Braasch & McCafferty, 2006 (comb.)
○ Notonurus tortinervis Vuataz, Sartori, Gattolliat & Monaghan 2013 (comb.)
Family OLIGONEURIIDAE Ulmer, 1920
1. Genus Elassoneuria Eaton, 1881
● Elassoneuria grandis Gillies, 1974 [Tanzania, Angola – Cunene, Luanginga Rivers]
● Elassoneuria trimeniana (McLachlan, 1868) [South Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola – Cubango River]
○ Oligoneuria trimeniana McLachlan 1868 (orig.)
○ Elassoneuria trimeniana Eaton, 1881 (comb.)
○ Elassoneuria congolana Navàs, 1911 (syn.)
Family DICERCOMYZIDAE Edmunds and Traver (1954) (as Dicercomyzinae); new status Jacobus and McCafferty (2006)
1. Genus Dicercomyzon Demoulin, 1954
● Dicercomyzon costale Kimmins, 1957 [South Africa; Malawi, Tanzania, Angola – Cutio, Cuanavale, Cuando, Cuemba & Luanginga Rivers]
● Dicercomyzon femorale Demoulin, 1954 [Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Angola – Cubango River]
Family TRICORYTHIDAE Lestage, 1942
1. Genus Tricorythus Eaton, 1868
● Tricorythus discolor (Burmeister, 1839) [South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Oxycypha discolor Burmeister, 1839 (orig.)
○ Cloeon discolor Walker, 1853 (comb.)
○ Caenis discolor Eaton, 1871 (comb.)
○ Tricorythus discolor Eaton, 1884 (comb.)
○ Neurocaenis discolor Demoulin, 1954 (comb.)
○ Tricorythus discolor McCafferty & de Moor, 1995 (comb.)
●Tricorythus furcifer Kluge 2016 [Zambia, Angola – Cuando, Cuemba Rivers]
● Tricorythus reticulatus Barnard, 1932 [South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Neurocaenis reticulata Demoulin, 1954 (orig.)
○ Tricorythus reticulatus McCafferty & de Moor, 1995 (comb.)
● Tricorythus tinctus Kimmins, 1956 [East Africa, South Africa, Angola – Cunene & Cubango Rivers]
Family EPHEMERYTHIDAE McCafferty & Wang, 2000
1. Genus Ephemerythus Gillies, 1960
● Ephemerythus niger Gillies, 1960 ♂♀ nymph [Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Angola – Cuito, Cuanavale, Cubango, Cuando & Cunene Rivers]
○ Ephemerythus dissimillimus Kopelke, 1981 adult male and female
○ Ephemerythus straeleni Demoulin, 1964
○ Ephemerythus niger Kluge 2010 (comb.)
Family MACHADORYTHIDAE McCafferty & Wang, 2000
1. Genus Machadorythus Demoulin, 1959 [South Africa, Angola – Cunene & Cubango Rivers]
● Machadorythus maculatus (Kimmins, 1949)
○ Tricorythus maculatus Kimmins, 1949 (orig.)
○ Machadorythus palaquim Demoulin, 1959 (syn.)
○ Machadorythus maculatus Elouard & Gillies, 1989 (comb.)
Superfamily CAENOIDEA
Family CAENIDAE Ulmer, 1920
1. Genus Caenis Stephens, 1835
● Caenis antelucana Malzacher, 1990 [West Africa, Southern Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
● Caenis douglasi Malzacher, 1993 [South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Caenis cibaria Ulmer, 1916 (nec Eaton 1879) (hom, syn.)
○ Caenodes cibaria Ulmer, 1924 (comb.)
○ Caenodes ulmeri Kimmins, 1949 (renam.)
○ Caenis ulmeri Malzacher, 1993 (comb.)
○ Caenis douglasi Malzacher, 1993 (renam.) (hom. Caenis ulmeri Brodsky, 1930)
● Caenis jinjana (Kimmins, 1956) [Uganda, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Caenodes jinjana Kimmins, 1956 (orig.)
○ Caenis jinjana Malzacher, 1993 (comb.)
● Caenis spp. 7 new species, possibly one new genus. [Angola – Cubango, Cuanavale, Cuito, Cuando, Cuemba, Lungué–Bungo & Luanginga Rivers]
Family POLYMITARCYIDAE Ulmer, 1920
1. Genus Ephoron Williamson, 1802
● Ephoron savignyi (Pictet, 1843) [Egypt, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, South Africa, Angola – Cunene River]
○ Palingenia savignyi Pictet, 1843 (orig.)
○ Polymitarcys savignyii Eaton, 1871 (comb.)
○ Polymitarcys savignyi Eaton, 1883 (comb.)
○ Polymitarcys capensis Esben–Petersen, 1913 (syn.)
○ Polymitarcys temerata Navás, 1916 (syn.)
○ Ephoron savignyi Spieth, 1940 (comb.)
2. Genus Povilla Navás, 1912
● Povilla adusta Navás, 1912 [Large lakes and rivers throughout tropical Africa, Angola – Cuanavale Lake]
Family EUTHYPLOCIIDAE Edmunds & Traver 1954
1. Genus Afroplocia Lestage, 1939
● Afroplocia sampsoni (Barnard, 1937) [South Africa, Zimbabwe, Angola – Cubango River]
○ Exeuthyplocia sampsoni Barnard, 1937 (orig.)
○ Afroplocia sampsoni Lestage, 1939 (comb.)
1. Genus Adenophlebiodes Ulmer, 1924
● Adenophlebiodes decoratus (Navás, 1931) [Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Angola – Cuito, Cuanavale, Cubango, Cuando, Cuemba & Lungué–Bungo Rivers]
○ Adenophlebia decora Navás, 1931 (orig.)
○ Adenophlebiodes decorata Marlier, 1958 (comb.)
○ Adenophlebiodes decoratus Elouard–Hideux & Elouard, 1990(comb.)
2. Genus Euthraulus Barnard, 1932
● Euthraulus sp. (probably new species) [Angola – Cunene, Cubango, Cuando & Luanginga Rivers]
3. Genus Hyalophlebia Demoulin, 1955
● Hyalophlebia sp. [Angola - Cunene River]
4. Genus Thraulus Eaton, 1881
● Thraulus torrentis (Gillies, 1964) [Tanzania, Zambia, Angola - Cuanavale River]
○ Marsharikella torrentis Gillies, 1964 (orig.)
○ Thraulus torrentis Peters & Edmunds, 1970 (comb.)
Family: PROSOPISTOMATIDAE Lestage, 1921
1. Genus Prosopistoma Latreille, 1833
● Prosopistoma sp. (new species)[Angola – Cunene River]
Appendix: Definitions of abbreviations and terms used:
(comb.) combination: a name recombined with a generic name different from the original;
(dub.) nomen dubium: a name that is of dubious status in that it cannot presently be determined what the species named as such actually is; although all nomina dubia have a generic name associated with them, keep in mind that some of them cannot actually be placed to any genus with confidence due to the lack, or loss, of original material on which the names were based;
(hom.) homonym: the name (as the unique combination of genus and species names) is or becomes the same as one used for another species at an earlier time; the subordinate homonym, therefore, had to be replaced with a new name, i.e. the newer of the two names is invalid;
(id.) misidentification: another valid species (not a subordinate name) with which the species has incorrectly been associated in the past;
(orig.) original: the original name, including the original name in its correct form if it has been changed from an incorrectly formed name;
(renam.) renamed: a new name given because the original or recombination of the original is a secondary homonym (the same as that which has been given to another species previously); the species name that has priority is also indicated within the parentheses along with (hom.);
(spell.) spelling: a misspelled or incorrect form of the name;
(stat.) status: represents a change from species to subspecies status within the same species;
(syn.) synonym: another name that was proposed independently for the same species. Usually, the earliest published name takes priority.
(in part) some of the members of this species were originally described as another species.
[sic] name written as stated by author, even though incorrect.
Apêndice: Definições de abreviações e termos utilizados:
(comb.) um nome recombinado a um nome genérico diferente do original;
(dub.) nomen dubium: nome de status duvidoso, pois atualmente não é possível determinar qual é realmente a espécie denominada como tal; embora todas as nomina dubia tenham um nome genérico associado a elas, lembre-se de que algumas delas não podem realmente ser atribuídas a nenhum gênero com confiança devido à falta ou perda de material original no qual os nomes foram baseados;
(hom.) homônimo: o nome (como a combinação única de nomes de gênero e espécie) é ou se torna o mesmo que o usado para outra espécie em um período anterior; o homônimo subordinado, portanto, teve que ser substituído por um novo nome, ou seja, o mais novo dos dois nomes é invalido;
(id.) identificação incorreta: outra espécie válida (não um nome subordinado) à qual a espécie foi incorretamente associada no passado;
(orig.) original: o nome original, incluindo o nome original em sua forma correta se tiver sido alterado de um nome formado incorretamente;
(renam.) um novo nome dado porque o original ou a recombinação do original é um homônimo secundário (o mesmo que foi dado a outra espécie anteriormente); o nome da espécie que tem prioridade também é indicado entre parênteses, juntamente com (hom.);
(spell.) ortografia: uma forma incorretamente grafada do nome;
(stat.) representa uma mudança do status de espécie para subespécie dentro da mesma espécie;
(syn.) sinônimo: outro nome proposto independentemente para a mesma espécie. Geralmente, o nome publicado mais antigo tem prioridade.
(in part) alguns dos membros desta espécie foram originalmente descritos como outra espécie.
[sic] nome escrito como declarado pelo autor, mesmo que incorreto.