Odds and Ends
Ephemeroptera Galactica
Patronyms of Mayfly Workers, a contribution from Michel Sartori
Links to miscellaneous places about mayflies
- Museum Holdings and Collections
- Mayflies and fishing
Flyfishing links that have some information on mayflies. - Pest Management and Mayflies
- Tree of Life Web Project
- Biological Indicators of Watershed Health
USEPA - New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
- Order Ephemeroptera
Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax
Rare and Endangered
- Wisconsin's Endangered Mayflies
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Mikko's Phylogeny Archive
- Phylogenetic Systematics
an interesting discussion in relation to the Paleoptera by Günter Bechly
Real Odds and Ends
- BugLab Key to Western Baetidae Nymphs [pdf]
- Ephemeroptera of Michigan (Identification)
by Ethan Bright - Insektenkunde. Eintagsfliegen (Ephemeroptera)
Die Fliegenfischerseite von Jürgen Gaul - Insects and their allies: Ephemeroptera: mayflies
CSIRO, Australia - Mayflies… Who Needs ‘Em?
On the Lake - Ephemeroptera Recording Scheme
British Isles - British Insects: the Genera of Ephemeroptera
(under development as an interactive information retrieval system and key) - An Identification guide to the Nymphal Mayflies (Order EPHEMEROPTERA) of British Columbia
by Karen M. Needham - Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet
- Paleobarometers on the wing
- New Research Shows That Swarms Of Mayflies Are Laying Their Eggs On Roads Rather Than Rivers: From New Scientist
- Burrowing mayfly swarms signal a healthier ecosystem, USGS scientists say
- Nature Bulletin No. 345-A
Forest Preserve District of Cook County (Illinois) - List of Finnish Mayfly Names
by Markku Savela, Finland - Critter Case Files, Mayflies: University of Kentucky Department of Entomology
- Gorden Ramel's mayfly page
- EEK!
- 21st Century Collecting Tool
Page contents last modified on 25 July 2013