Fourth International Conference on Ephemeroptera
4-10 September 1983
Proceedings published as:
Landa V; Soldán T; Tonner M. 1984. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Ephemeroptera. Institute of Entomology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ceské Budejovice.
Preface. pp ix-x.
Welcome address. pp xi-xiv.
Mol AWM. The earliest epoch in the study of mayflies (Ephemeroptera); towards a reappraisal of the work of Augerius Clutius. pp 3-9.
Soldán T; Landa V. A concise history of the research of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in Czechoslovakia. pp 11-17.
Gillies MT. On the synonymy of Notonurus Crass with Compsoneuriella Ulmer (Heptageniidae). pp 21-25.
Peters WL; Edmunds Jr GF. A redescription and phylogenetic relationships of Nesophlebia (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae, Atalophlebiinae). pp 27-35.
Sowa R. Contribution à la connaissance des espèces européennes de Rhithrogena Eaton (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) avec le rapport particulier aux espèces des Alpes et des Carpates. pp 37-52.
Alba-Tercedor J. A revision of the European species of the genus Baetis Leach, 1815 described by Reverend Longinos Navás (Baetidae). pp 53-59.
Sinitchenkova ND. The Mesozoic mayflies (Ephemeroptera) with special reference to their ecology. pp 61-66.
Alba-Tercedor J. A redescription of adults of Siphlonurus flavidus (Pictet 1865) (Ephemeroptera, Siphlonuridae). pp 69-73.
Sowa R; Soldán T. Two new species of Rhithrogena Eaton (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) from Central Europe. pp 75-84.
Müller-Liebenau I. Baetidae from Sabah (East Malaysia) (Ephemeroptera). pp 85-99.
You D-S. A revision of genus Potamanthodes with a description of two new species (Ephemeroptera, Potamanthidae). pp 101-107.
Braasch D; Soldán T. Eintagsfliegen (Gattungen Epeorus und Iron) aus Vietnam (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). pp 109-114.
Baikova O.Ya. K poznaniyu podenok (Ephemeroptera) severnoi Mongolii [Contribution to knowledge of the mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Northern Mongolia.]. pp 115-116.
Chovet M; Fontaine J; Lecureuil J-Y. Le genre Ephemerella Walsh dans le bassin de la Loire: Presence de deux espèces, nouvelles pour la France: E. notata Eaton et E. mesoleuca (Brauer) (Ephéméroptères, Ephemerellidae). pp 117-126.
Puig AM. Distribution and ecology of the Baetidae in Catalonian rivers (NE-Spain). pp 127-134.
González del Tánago M. Contribution to the zoogeography of the Spanish Ephemeroptera. pp 135-145.
Sartori M; Thomas AGB. On some European Leptophlebiidae. pp 147-148.
Flannagan PM; Flannagan JF. The post-glacial origin and present distribution of the mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Manitoba, Canada. pp 149-169.
Arvy L; Brittain JE. The structure, function and development of the eyes in the Ephemeroptera. pp 173-179.
Jacob U. Larvale Oberflächenskulpturen bei Ephemeropteren und ihr Wert für Taxonomie und Systematik. pp 181-191.
Gaino E; Mazzini M. Scanning electron microscope study of the eggs of some Habrophlebia and Habroleptoides species (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae). pp 193-202.
Weyda F. Notes to ultrastructure of mayfly fat body. pp 203-204.
Basha SM; Pescador ML. Protein composition of the different life stages of Dolania americana (Ephemeroptera, Behningiidae). pp 205-212.
Zurwerra A; Tomka I; Lampel G. Application of the scanning electron microskope and the enzyme-gelelectrophoresis to solve taxonomical problems: the European species of the genus Epeorus sensu Tshernova (1981) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). pp 213-218.
Kownacki A; Starmach J. Electrophoretic investigations on taxonomy of some species of Ephemeroptera from the Dunajec basin (Poland). pp 219-224.
Matha V; Sula J. An electrophoresis of proteins: possibilities in mayfly biosystematics. pp 225-226.
Wais IR; Campos HH. The Ephemeroptera from creeks and rivers from two southern Southamerican basins and its relative presence along the river continuum. pp 229-230.
Jazdzewska T. Les Ephéméropteres de la rivière Lubrzanka (Montagnes Swietokrzyskie, Pologne centrale). pp 231-242.
Harper F; Harper PP. Phenology and distribution of mayflies in a southern Ontario lowland stream. pp 243-251.
Lecureuil J-Y; Fontaine J; Chovet M. Nouvelles données sur l'écologie de Raptobaetopus tenellus (Albarda), un Baetidae présent en grand nombre dans le bassin de la Loire (France). pp 253-261.
Wood KG; Fink TJ. Ecological succession of macrobenthos in deep- and shallow-water environments of western Lake Erie: 1930 - 1974. pp 263-279.
Fischer CH. The swarming behaviour of stream inhabiting mayflies (Ephemeroptera). pp 281-282.
Hartland-Rowe R. The adaptive value of synchronous emergence in the tropical African mayfly Povilla adusta: a preliminary investigation. pp 283-289.
Weiser J. Ecology of mayfly infections. pp 291-296.
Campbell IC; Holt MK. The life history of Kirrara procera Harker (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae) in two southeastern Australian rivers. pp 299-305.
Flannagan JF; Cobb DG. Production of Hexagenia limbata (Serville) and H. rigida (McDunnough) in Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba. pp 307-315.
Landa V. Studies on aquatic insects in Czechoslovakia with regard to changes in the quality of water in the last 20 - 30 years. pp 317-321.
Zelinka M. The effect of low discharge rates on mayfly fauna. pp 323-328.
Tonner M; Syrovátka O. Einwirkungen der chemischen Luftbespritzung auf die Entomofauna des Rhithrons in Krkonose (Tschechoslowakei). pp 329-330.
Peters WL. Summary of the Fourth International Conference on Ephemeroptera. pp 331-333.
Author index. p 335.
Taxonomic index. pp 337-345.