Tenth International Conference on Ephemeroptera
Perugia, Italy
8-11 August 2001
Proceedings published as:
Gaino E. 2003. Research Update on Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera. Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy.
Sartori M; Elouard J-M. Mick Gillies (1920 - 1999). pp 3-6.
Soldán T. Vladimir Landa (1923 - 2001). pp 7-13.
Hubbard MD. William Lee Peters (1939 - 2000). pp 15-20.
Vidinova Y; Yaneva I; Tyufekchieva V. Boris Konstantinov Russev (1929 - 2002). pp 21-27.
Albariño R; Díaz Villanueva V. Feeding plasticity and growth of two Plecopteran larvae in a low order Andean stream. pp 31-38.
Füreder L; Welter C; Jackson JK. Dietary and stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) analyses in alpine Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. pp 39-46.
Luz6n-Ortega JM; Tierno De Figueroa JM. Some aspects of behaviour of Nemoura fulviceps (Plecoptera: Nemouridae). pp 47-53.
Polegatto CM; Froehlich CG. Feeding strategies in Atalophlebiinae (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae), with considerations on scraping and filtering. pp 55-61.
Rupprecht R. Drumming signals within the genus Dinocras (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp 63-72.
Sandberg JB; Stewart KW. Continued studies of drumming in North American Plecoptera; Evolutionary implications. pp 73-81.
Akers A; Peters WL; Peters JG. Radima edmundsorum, a new genus and species of Atalophlebiinae from Madagascar (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). pp 85-89.
Alba-Tercedor J; Jáimez-Cuéllar P. Checklist and historical evolution of the knowledge of Ephemeroptera in the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic and Canary Islands. pp 91-97.
Bauernfeind E. The mayflies of Greece (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) - A provisional check-list. pp 99-107.
Bauernfeind E. Rhithrogena lisettae sp. n. - A new representative of the R. diaphana species - group from Greece (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). pp 109-112.
Belfiore C; Barber-James H; Gaino E. The eggs of Afronurus LESTAGE, 1924 (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae): A cue for phylogenetic relationships. pp 113-116.
Blanco-Belmonte L; Ruaise V; Peters JG. The nymph of Paramaka SAVAGE & DOMÍNGUEZ (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae). pp 117-121.
Dominguez E; Zúñiga M del C. First generic record and description of a new species of Ulmeritoides (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from Colombia. pp 123-125.
Fujitani T; Hirowatari T; Tanida K. Nymphs of Nigrobaetis, Alainites, Labiobaetis, Tenuibaetis and Baetis from Japan (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae): Diagnoses and keys for genera and species. pp 127-133.
Gattolliat J-L; Sartori M. An overview of the Baetidae of Madagascar. pp 135-144.
Kluge NJ. System and phylogeny of Pinnatitergaliae (Ephemeroptera). pp 145-152.
Nieto C. A new species of Guajirolus (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Argentina and description of a new genus from Bolivia. pp 153-158.
Vidinova Y. Contribution to the study of mayfly fauna (Ephemeroptera) in Bulgaria. pp 159-163.
Earle JI. Stonefly (Plecoptera) emergence patterns and flight periods in Indian Creek Watershed, Pennsylvania, USA. pp 167-175 .
Erba S; Melissano L; Buffagni A. Life cycles of Baetidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in a North Italian Prealpine stream. pp 177-186.
U.H. Humpesch UH; Elliott JM. Egg hatching: One mechanism for life-cycle partitioning in Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera. pp 187-188.
Parnrong S; Campbell IC. The effects of temperature on egg hatching of the mayfly Austrophlebioides marchanti (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). pp 189-193.
Stewart KW; Sandberg JB. The life history of a Colorado population of Kogotus modestus (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). pp 195-200.
Taylor JM; Kennedy JH. Cohort dynamics of an over-wintering Caenis latipennis population in Honey Creek, Oklahoma, U.S.A. pp 201-204.
Tojo K; Machida R. Techniques in embryological studies of mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). pp 205-209.
Yoshimura M. Difference of ovariole maturation depending on emergence date in Isoperla aizuana (Perlodidae: Plecoptera). pp 211-215.
Harper PP; Harper F. Comparison of Nearctic and Palaearctic species groups of Leuctra: Affinities and origin of the North American fauna (Plecoptera: Leuctridae). pp 219-223.
Orce M. A new species of Anacroneuria from Northwestern Argentina (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp 225-228.
Stark BP; Zuñiga M del C. The Anacroneuria guambiana complex of South America (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp 229-237.
Zhiltzova L. The Leuctridae (Plecoptera) of Russia and adjacent territories (within the limits of the former USSR). pp 239-244.
Zwick P. Plecoptera research today: Questions to be asked in the new millennium. pp 245-251.
Arnekleiv JV; Kjaerstad G. Changes in density and intra-watercourse distribution of Plecoptera following hydropower regulation in a Central Norwegian river. pp 255-262.
Barber-James HM. The biogeography of the Prosopistomatidae, with a particular emphasis on Southern African species. pp 263-270.
Brittain JE; Castella E; Knispel S; Lencioni V; Lods-Crozet B; Maiolini B; Milner AM; Saltveit SJ; Snook DL. Ephemeropteran and Plecopteran communities in glacial rivers. pp 271-277.
Buffagni A; Belfiore C; Erba S; Kemp JL; Cazzola M. A review of Ephemeroptera species distribution in Italy: Gains from recent studies and areas for future focus. pp 279-290.
Camargo C; Rozo MP. Colombian Darien Ephemeroptera. pp 291-292.
Di Giovanni MV; Goretti E; Ceccagnoli D; La Porta G; Chiappafreddo U. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in the Chiascio River (Central Italy) since a dam's building. pp 293-298.
Dolisy D; Dohet A. The use of Ephemeroptera to assess aquatic biodiversity in the rhithral part of the Luxembourgish rivers. pp 299-303.
Graf W; Hutter G. Recent findings of the endangered stonefly Brachyptera trifasciata (PICTET, 1832) in Austria with a description of its habitat. pp 305-307.
Graf W; Weinzierl A. Distribution of Brachyptera starmachi SOWA, 1966 and Capnia vidua rilensis RAUSER, 1962. pp 309-311.
Haybach A; Schleuter M; Tittizer T. Current distribution of mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in German Federal Waterways. pp 313-315.
Jacob U. Africa and its Ephemeroptera: Remarks from a biogeographical view. pp 317-325.
Jezberová M. Distribution and density of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of the Radikovsky brook (Czech Republic) in relation to selected environmental variables. pp 327-331.
Kennedy JH. Contributions to the life history and knowledge of the ecology of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from the New River, Virginia. pp 333-337.
Klonowska-Olejnik M; Godunko RJ. Contribution to the taxonomy of the Central European species of Rhithrogena loyolaea species-group (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). pp 339-348.
Krno I. Distribution patterns and habitats of stoneflies in Slovakia. pp 349-406.
Loskutova O. Fauna of stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the European North-East Russia and its change under the influence of anthropogenic factors. pp 357-362.
Mavri U; Podgornik S; Sivec I; Toman MJ. An approach to the study of ecology of the stonefly distribution in the Lipnica Stream, Slovenia. pp 363-366.
McLellan ID. Stewart Island stoneflies. pp 367-371.
Morisi A; Battegazzore M; Fenoglio S. Ecological considerations on the presence and distribution of the genus Epeorus EATON in the district of Cuneo (NW Italy) (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). pp 373-376.
Ogbogu SS. Effects of different concentrations of inorganic compounds on the survival of Cloeon perkinsi larvae (Ephemeroptera). pp 377-379.
Pupilli E; Puig MA. Effects of a major flood on the mayfly and stonefly populations in a Mediterranean stream (Matarranya Stream, Ebro River basin, North East of Spain). pp 381-389.
Rasmussen AK; Pescador ML; Richard BA. A survey of the Plecoptera of Florida. pp 391-402.
Sartori M; Derleth P; Gattolliat J-L. New data about the mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Borneo. pp 403-406.
Sherk TE; Rau GH; Kraft GF. Emergence of Plecoptera from Findley Lake, Cascade Mountains, USA. pp 407-411.
Soldán T; Yang J-T. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Taiwan: Species composition, taxonomic shifts, distribution and biogeographical analysis. pp 413-420.
Teslenko V. Zoogeography of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Kuril Archipelago. pp 421-427.
Fausto AM; Belardinelli MC; Tierno De Figueroa JM; Fochetti R; Mazzini M. Ultrastructural studies on Plecoptera spermatozoa: New data and comparative remarks. pp 431-436.
Gaino E; Rebora M. Adhesiveness of the eggs of Ecdyonurus venosus to siliceous and calcareous substrate. pp 437-443.
Gaino E; Rebora M. The sensilla on the labial and maxillary palps of the nymph of Baetis rhodani (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). pp 445-451.
Kapoor NN. Fine structure of the compound eye of a stonefly nymph, Paragnetina media (WALKER) (Plecoptera). pp 453-456.
Klonowska-Olejnik M; Jazdzewska T. Scanning electron microscopy study of the eggs of some rare mayfly (Ephemeroptera) species: Ametropus fragilis, Isonychia ignota and Neoephemera maxima. pp 457-462.
Rosciszewska E. Ultrastructure of the egg capsules of the South American stoneflies (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp 463-467.
Díaz Villanueva V; Albariño R. Algal ingestion and digestion by two Ephemeropteran larvae from a Patagonian Andean stream. pp 469-475.
Zwick P. Shapes and patterns of wingpad development in the Plecoptera. pp 477-483.