Michael D. Hubbard Bibliography
of the Ephemeroptera
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Haase E. 1890. Bemerkungen zur Palaeontologie der Insecten. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie 2:1-33, pl. 1. PDF
Haase P; Reusch H. 1999. Die Eintags- und Steinfliegenfauna Niedersachsens (Insecta: Ephemeroptera et Plecoptera). Lauterbornia 37:177-186.
Haase P; Schindehütte K. 2000. Die Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, aquatische Coleoptera (partim) und Trichoptera des niedersächsischen Harzes: Faunistik und ökologische Anmerkungen. Braunschweiger naturkundliche Schriften 6(1):85-102.
Haase P. 1994. Neue Vorkommen von Hydroptila sparsa CURTIS, 1834, Orthotrichia costalis (CURTIS, 1834) (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae) und Caenis beskidensis SOWA, 1973 (Ephemeroptera, Caenidae) im niedersächsischen Hügel- und Bergland. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, Dresden, 38:206.
Haberman H. 1936. Der See Külajärv als Beispiel einer Eu-Dys Sukzession. Tartu Ulikooli Juures Oleva Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aruannetest 43(1-2):1-18, 1 pl. [1.2 Mb] PDF
Haberman H. 1937. Treppoja. The Treppoja Brook. Eesti Loodusest 1937(1):1-5. [1.4 Mb] PDF
Haberman H. 1938. Klooga Järv. Lake Klooga. Eesti Loodusest 1938(1-2):38-42. PDF
Haberman HM. 1953. [Materials on the mayfly fauna (Ephemeroptera) of Estonian SSSR.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 33:214-225. PDF
Haden GA; Blinn DW; Shannon JP; Wilson KP. 1999. Driftwood: an alternative habitat for macroinvertebrates in a large desert river. Hydrobiologia 397:179-186. PDF
Haesloop, U.; Haybach A. 2013. Erster Nachweis von Baetopus (Baetopus) wartensis Keffermüller, 1960 (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in Niedersachsen [First record of Baetopus (Baetopus) wartensis Keffermller, 1960 (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in Lower Saxony (Northern German Lowland), new to the fauna of Germany. Lauterbornia 76: 5-10. PDF
Hafiz HA. 1937. The Indian Ephemeroptera (mayflies) of the sub-order Ephemeroidea. Records of the Indian Museum 39:351-370, pl. 4-5. [1.9 Mb] PDF
Hagen HA. 1845. Die Neuroptera der Linnéischen Sammlung. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 6:155-156. PDF
Hagen [HA]. 1848. Uebersicht der neueren Literatur betreffend die Neuroptera Linn. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 9:144-153. [1.6 Mb] PDF
Hagen [HA]. 1849. Uebersicht der neueren Literatur, betreffend die Neuroptera Linn. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 10:27-30, 55-61, 66-74, 141-156, 167-177, 354-371. [7.1 Mb] PDF
Hagen [HA]. 1850. Uebersicht der neueren Literatur, betreffend die Neuroptera Linn. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 11:67-83, 362-378. [19.3 Mb] PDF
Hagen [HA]. 1851. Uebersicht der neueren Literatur, betreffend die Neuroptera Linn. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 12:118-128, 185-191, 345-350, 365-375. [11.9 Mb] PDF
Hagen H[A]. 1853. John Hill's angeblich erdichtete Insecten. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 14:168-171. PDF
Hagen H. 1854. Auffällig nördliches Vorkommen dreier grosser südeuropäischer Insekten. Entomologische Zeitung 15:316-319. PDF
Hagen H[A]. 1854. Die Kupfer zu Scopoli's Entomologia Carniolica. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 15:81-91. PDF
Hagen H. 1854. Ueber die Neuropteren der Bernsteinfauna. Verhandlungen des Zoologisch-Botanischer Verein in Wien 4:221-232. PDF
Hagen H. 1855. Die Ephemeren-Gattung Oligoneuria. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 16(9):262-270, pl. 3. PDF
Hagen [H]. 1858. Synopsis der Neuroptera Ceylons. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 8:471-488. PDF
Hagen H. 1859. Synopsis der Neuroptera Ceylons. (Pars II). Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 9:199-212. PDF
Hagen H. 1859. Ueber das Vorkommen von Palingenia longicauda und Acanthaclisis occitanica in Preussen. Entomologische Zeitung 20:431-432. PDF
Hagen HA. 1860. Examen des Névroptères (Non Odonates) recueilles en Sicile par M.E. Bellier de la Chavignerie.- Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 8:746-748. PDF
Hagen HA. 1860. Ueber die Neuropteren-Fauna Amerikas. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 21:209-216. PDF
Hagen HA. 1861. Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America. With a list of the South American species. Smithosnian Miscellaneous Collections, Washingon. pp 1-347. [8.8 Mb] PDF
Hagen HA. 1862. Ueber die Neuroptern aus dem lithographischen Schiefer in Bayern. Palaeontographica 10:96-145, pl. 13-15. [1.7 Mb] PDF
Hagen H[A]. 1863. Abbot's Handzeichnungen im Britischen Museum und die Neuroptera Georgiens. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 24:369-378. PDF
Hagen H. 1863. Neuroptera. Synopsis of the British Ephemeridae. Entomologist's Annual 1863:1-35. [1.9 Mb] PDF
Hagen H. 1863. Observations on certain N. A. Neuroptera, by H. Hagen, M. D., of Koenigsberg, Prussia; translated from the original French ms., and published by permission of the author, with notes and descriptions of about twenty new N. A. species of Pseudoneuroptera, by B. D. Walsh. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 2:167-272. [SEE Walsh BD.]
Hagen HA. 1864. Additions aux Névroptères (non Odonates) de la Corse, d'après l'examen des chasses faites en 1862 par M. E. Bellier de la Chavignerie. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (4)4:46. PDF
Hagen HA. 1864. Névroptères (non Odonates) de la Corse, recueillis par M. E. Bellier de la Chavignerie en 1860 et 1861. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Sér. 4, 4:38-45. PDF
Hagen HA. 1865. The Neuroptera of Madeira. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 2:8-11, 25-28, 59-62, 75-81. PDF
Hagen H. 1866. Die Neuropteren Spaniens nach Ed. Pictet's Synopsis des Neuroptères d'Espagne. Genève 1865. 8. tab. 14 col. und Dr. Staudingers Mittheilungen. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 27:281-302. [2.0 Mb] PDF
Hagen H. 1868. On Lachlania abnormis, a new genus and species from Cuba belonging to the Ephemerina. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 11:372-375. PDF
Hagen HA. 1873. Notes on the Ephemeridae, by Dr. H. A. Hagen; compiled (with remarks) by the Rev. A. E. Eaton, M.A. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1873:381-406. PDF
Hagen HA. 1874. Report on the Pseudo-Neuroptera and Neuroptera collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter in 1873 in Colorado. Pages 571-606 in Hayden FV, Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Embracing Colorado, Being a Report of Progress of the Exploration for the Year 1873 7:571-606. [2.0 Mb] PDF
Hagen HA. 1880. Neue Neuroptera in: Die Insecten von Dr. Vitus Graber. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 41:106-107. PDF
Hagen HA. 1886. The highest elevation for Neuroptera in the United States. Canadian Entomologist 18:178-179. PDF
Hagen H. 1888. Unsere gegenwärtige Kenntniss der Ephemeren. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 49(7-9):221-232. PDF
Hagen H. 1890. Unsere gegenwärtige Kenntniss der Ephemerinen. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 51:11-13. PDF
Haidekker A; Hering D. 2008. Relationship between benthic insects (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera) and temperature in small and medium-sized streams in Germany: A multivariate study. Aquatic Ecology 42:463-481. PDF
Halford FM. 1887. Note on the oviposition and the duration of the egg-stage of Ephemerella ignita. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 23:235. PDF
Halford FM. 1897. Dry fly entomology. Vinton & Co., London. 314 pp. [5.2 Mb] PDF
Hall CAS. 1969. Mortality of the mayfly nymph, Ephemerella rotunda (Morgan), at various low dissolved-oxygen concentrations. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 85(1):34-39. [1.0 Mb] PDF
Hall DJ; Cooper WE; Werner EE. 1970. An experimental approach to the production dynamics and structure of freshwater animal communities. Limnology and Oceanography 15(6):839-928. [9.7 Mb] PDF
Hall RJ; Berner L; Cook EF. 1975. Observations on the biology of Tricorythodes atratus McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 77(1):34-49. PDF
Hall RJ; Waters TF; Cook EF. 1980. The role of drift dispersal in production ecology of a stream mayfly. Ecology 61:37-43. [1.1 Mb] PDF
Hall RL. 1985. New collection records of Ohio mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Entomological News 96(4):171-174. PDF
Hallberg E; Hagberg M. 1986. Ocellar fine structure inCaenis robusta (Ephemeroptera), Trichostegia minor, Agrypnia varia, andLimnephilus flavicornis (Trichoptera). Protoplasma 135:12-18.
Hämäläinen H. 1995. Caenis robusta Eaton (Ephemeroptera, Caenidae) in the Siikalahti nature reserve, SE Finland. Sahlbergia 2:127-128.
Hamerlík L; Šporka F; Zaťovičová Z. 2006. Macroinvertebrates of inlets and outlets of the Tatra Mountain lakes (Slovakia). Biologia, Bratislava, 61/Suppl 18:167-179. PDF
Hamilton DA; Tarter DC. 1977. Life history and ecology of Ephemerella funeralis McDunnough (Ephemeroptra: Ephemerellidae) in a small West Virginia stream. American Midland Naturalist 98:458-462. PDF
Hamilton EW. 1959. Review of Ephemeridae (Ephemeroptera) in the Missouri River watershed with a key to the species. Iowa State College Journal of Science 33(4):443-474. PDF
Hamilton HR; Clifford HF. 1983. The seasonal food habits of mayfly (Ephemeroptera) nymphs from three Alberta, Canada, streams, with special reference to absolute volume and size of particles ingested. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplementum 65(22/3):197-234. [1.1 Mb] PDF
Hamilton KGA. 1971. The insect wing, Part I. Origin and development of wings from notal lobes. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 44(4):421-433. [1.5 Mb] PDF
Hamilton KGA. 1972. The insect wing, Part II. Vein homology and the archetypal insect wing. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 45(1):54-58. PDF
Hamilton KGA. 1972. The insect wing, Part III. Venation of the orders. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 45(2):145-162. [1.5 Mb] PDF
Hamilton KGA. 1972. The insect wing, Part IV. Venational trends and the phylogeny of the winged orders. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 45(3):295-308. [1.3 Mb] PDF
Handayani ST; Suharto B; Marsoedi. 2001. Penentuan status kualitas perairan sungai Brantas hulu dengan biomonitoring makrozoobentos: tinjauan dari pencemaran bahan organik. Determination of the quality status of the upper stream Brantas River by macrozoobentos biomonitoring: observation from organic enrichment. Biosain 1:30-38. PDF
Handlirsch A. 1903. Zur Phylogenie der Hexapoden (vorläufige Mitteilung). Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematische-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse (Abtheilung I) 112:716-738. [1.5 Mb] PDF
Handlirsch, A. 1904. Zur Systematik der Hexapoden. Zoologischer Anzeiger 27:733-759. PDF
Handlirsch A. 1904. Über einige Insektenreste aus der Permformation Russlands. Zapiski Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk po Fiziko- Matematicheskomu Otdbleniyu, Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St-Pétersbourg, (8)16(5):1-8, 1 tab. PDF
Handlirsch A. 1906-1908. Die fossilen Insekten und die Phylogenie der rezenten Formen. Ein Handbuch für Paläontologen und Zoologen. Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig. 1430p. [47.9 Mb] PDF
Handlirsch A. 1907. Funktionswechsel einiger Organe bei Arthropoden. Verhandlungen der k. k. zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 57:153-158. PDF
Handlirsch A. 1911. Ueber fossile Insekten. Mémoires de le 1er Congrés International d'Entomologie, Bruxelles, Août 1910, 2:177-184, pl. 6-10. PDF [added 17 February 2011]
Handlirsch A. 1918. Fossile Ephemeridenlarven aus dem Buntsandstein der Vogesen. Verhandlungen der k.-k. Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 68:112-114. PDF
Handlirsch A. 1919. Revision der paläozoischen Insekten. Denkschriften der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien 96:511-592. PDF
Handlirsch A. 1920-1921. Palaeontologie. Handbuch der Entomologie 3:117-306.
Handlirsch A. 1921-1922. Phylogenie oder Stammesgeschichte. Schröder's Handbuch der Entomologie 3(8):307-376.
Handlirsch A. 1922. Insecta palaeozoica. Fossilium Catalogus I: Animalia, Pars 16:1-230.
Handlirsch A. 1925. Palaeontologie. in Schröder C, Handbuch der Entomologie (Gustav Fischer, Jena) 3:117-306. [mayfly section only] PDF
Handlirsch A. 1925. Systematische Übersicht. in Schröder C, Handbuch der Entomologie (Gustav Fischer, Jena) 3:377-1143. [mayfly section only] PDF
Handlirsch A. 1929. Ephemeroidea. pp 621-636 in Kükenthal W, Handbuch der Zoologie, Band 4, Hälfte 1, Walter de Gruyter & Co. Berlin. [1.6 Mb] PDF
Handlirsch A. 1937. Neue Untersuchungen über die fossilen Insekten mit Ergänzungen und Nachträgen sowie Ausblicken auf phylogenetische, palaeogeographische und allgemein biologische Probleme. I. Teil. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 48:1-140.
Handlirsch A. 1939. Neue Untersuchungen über die fossilen Insekten mit Ergänzungen und Nachträgen sowie Ausblicken auf phylogenetische, palaeogeographische und allgemein biologische Probleme. II. Teil. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 49:3-240, 16 pl.
Hard GC. 1952. Note on mayfly nymphs occurring in the Auckland District. New Zealand Entomologist 1:11-12. PDF
Harding JS. 1992. Physico-chemical parameters and invertebrate faunas of three lake inflows and outlets in Westland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 26:95-102. PDF>
Harding JS; Winterbourn MJ. 1993. Life history and production of Colburiscus humeralis (Ephemeroptera: Oligoneuriidae) in two South Island high-country streams, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 27:445-451. PDF
Hardy E. 1939. New knowledge about mayflies. The Microscope and Entomological Monthly 3:192-194. PDF
Hare L; Campbell PGC; Tessier A; Belzile N. 1989. Gut sediments in a burrowing mayfly (Ephemeroptera, Hexagenia limbata): Their contribution to animal trace element burdens, their removal, and the efficacy of a correction for their presence. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46:451-456. PDF
Hare L; Olisedu NM. 1987. Substrate relations of the African wood-burrowing mayfly Povilla adusta Navás (Ephemeroptera, Polymitarcyidae). Aquatic Insects 9(3):145-154. PDF
Hare L; Saouter E; Campbell PGC; Tessier A; Ribeyre F; Boudou A. 1991. Dynamics of cadmium, lead, and zinc exchange between nymphs of the burrowing mayfly Hexagenia rigida (Ephemeroptera). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:39-47. [1.1 Mb] PDF
Hare L; Tessier A; Campbell PGC. 1991. Trace element distributions in aquatic insects: variation among genera, elements and lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:1482-1491. [1.3 Mb] PDF
Harker JE. 1950. Australian Ephemeroptera. Part I. Taxonomy of New South Wales species and evaluation of taxonomic characters. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 75(1-2):1-34. [1.5 Mb] PDF [added 23 March 2011]
Harker JE. 1950. The effect of temperature on the final instar nymphs of three species of Australian Ephemeroptera. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (A)25(10-12):111-114. PDF [added 23 March 2011]
Harker JE. 1952. A study of the life cycles and growth rates of four species of mayflies. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (A) 27:77-85. PDF
Harker JE. 1953. An investigation of the distribution of the mayfly fauna of a Lancashire stream. Journal of Animal Ecology 22(1):1-13. [1.3 kb] PDF
Harker JE. 1953. Migration of nymphs of Ecdyonurus torrentis. Journal of Animal Ecology 22(2):418.
Harker JE. 1953. The diurnal rhythm of activity of mayfly nymphs. Journal of Experimental Biology 30:525-533. PDF
Harker JE. 1954. The Ephemeroptera of eastern Australia. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 105:241-268. [1.1 Mb] PDF
Harker JE. 1957. Some new Australian Ephemeroptera. Part I. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B)26(3-4):63-68. PDF [added 23 March 2011]
Harker JE. 1957. Some new Australian Ephemeroptera. Part II. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B)26(5-6):69-78. PDF [added 23 March 2011]
Harker JE. 1989. Naturalists' Handbooks 13. Mayflies. Richmond Publishing. ISBN 0 85546 273 6. (56 pages)
Harker JE. 1992. Swarm behaviour and mate competition in mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Journal of Zoology 228:571-587.
Harker J. 1997. The role of parthenogenesis in the biology of two species of mayfly (Ephemeroptera). Freshwater Biology 37:287-297. PDF
Harker JE. 1999. The structure of the foregut and midgut of nymphs, subimagos and imagos of Cloeon dipterum (Ephemeroptera) and the functions of the gut of adult mayflies. Journal of Zoology, London 248:243-253. PDF
Harmanen M. 1980. Die Einfluß saurer Gewässer auf end Bestand der Ephemeriden- und Plecopterenfauna. Gewässer und Abwässer 66/67:130-136. PDF
Harnisch O. 1939. Zur Analyse des Sauerstoffverbrauchs der Larven von Cloeon dipterum und Ephemera vulgata. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie 26(4):548-569. PDF
Harnisch O. 1957. Untersuchungen an Tracheenkiemen und Tracheensystem einiger Ephemeridenlarven bei erniedrigtem O2-Partialdruck. Zoologischer Anzeiger 159:12-17.
Harper F. 1970. A new species of Ameletus (Ephemeroptera, Siphlonuridae) from Southern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology 48(3):603-604. PDF
Harper F; Anderson NH; Harper PP. 1995. Emergence of lotic mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in the Cascade Range of Oregon. Pages 207-222 in Corkum LD; Ciborowski JJH. Current Directions in Research on Ephemeroptera. Canadian Scholars' Press, Inc. Toronto. PDF
Harper F; Harper PP. 1976. Inventaire et phénologie des Ephéméroptères du lac Saint-Louis, Québec. Ann. Soc. ent. Québec 21:136-143. PDF
Harper F; Harper PP. 1981. Northern Canadian mayflies (Insecta; Ephemeroptera), records and descriptions. Canadian Journal of Zoology 59(9):1784-1789. PDF
Harper F; Harper PP. 1984. Phenology and distribution of mayflies in a southern Ontario lowland stream. Pages 243-251 in Landa V; Soldán T; Tonner M. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Ephemeroptera. Institute of Entomology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, České Budějovice. PDF
Harper F; Harper PP. 1986. An annotated key to the adult males of the northwestern Nearctic species of Paraleptophlebia Lestage (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) with descriptions of a new species. Canadian Journal of Zoology 64(7):1460-1468.
Harper F; Hawkins CP. 1984. Description of the imagines of Ephemerella verruca Allen and Edmunds (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). Aquatic Insects 6(1):13-16. PDF
Harper F; Magnin E. 1971. Émergence saisonnière de quelques éphéméroptères d'un ruisseau des Laurentides. Canadian Journal of Zoology 49(9):1209-1221. [1.2 Mb] PDF
Harper F; Magnin E; Harper PP. 1983. Diel periodicity of emerging mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in a Laurentian stream. Aquatic Insects 5(1):21-31. PDF
Harper MP; Peckarsky BL. 2006. Emergence cues of a mayfly in a high-altitude stream ecosystem: potential response to climate change. Ecological Applications 16:612-621. PDF
Harper P; Harper FF. 1997. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Yukon. pp. 151-167 in Danks HV; Downes JA. (Eds.), Insects of the Yukon. Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods), Ottawa. 1034 pp. PDF
Harper PP. 1978. Variations in the production of emerging insects from a Quebec stream. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 20:1317-1323.
Harper PP. 1989. Zoogeographical relationships of aquatic insects (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) from the Eastern James Bay Drainage. Canadian Field Naturalist 103(4):535-546. PDF
Harper PP. 1990. Associations of aquatic insects (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) in a network of subarctic lakes and streams in Québec. Hydrobiologia 199(1):43-64. [1.2 Mb] PDF
Harper PP; Harper F. 1982. Mayfly communities in a Laurentian watershed (Insecta; Ephemeroptera). Canadian Journal of Zoology 60(11):2828-2840. PDF
Harper PP; Pilon J-G; Perron JM. 1975. Insectes aquatiques du nord du Québec (Éphéméroptères, Odonates, Plécopterès et Trichoptères). Annales de la Société Entomologique de Québec 20:33-43. PDF
Harrell RC. 1969. Benthic macroinvertebrates of the Otter Creek Drainage Basin, Northcentral, Oklahoma. Southwestern Naturalist 14(2):231-248. PDF
Harris JH; Scarlett G; MacIntyre RJ. 1992. Effects of a pulp and paper mill on the ecology of the La Trobe River, Victoria, Australia. Hydrobiologia 246:49-67. PDF
Harris JR. 1952. An Angler's Entomology.
Harris SC; Kondratieff BC; Stark BP. 1996. New records of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera from Alabama. Entomological News 107(4):237-242. PDF
Harris TL; McCafferty WP. 1977. Assessing aquatic insect flight behavior with sticky traps. Great Lakes Entomologist 10(4):233-239. PDF
Harrison AC. 1949. Cape May-flies. Piscator 3(9):15-18. PDF
Harrison AC. 1949. Cape May-flies. Part II. Piscator 3(10):48-53. PDF
Harrison AC. 1949. Cape May-flies. Part III. = The family Leptophlebiidae (continued). Piscator 3(11):83-87. PDF
Harrison AC. 1949. Cape May-flies. Part IV. = The family Leptophlebiidae (continued). Piscator 3(12):117-120. PDF
Harrison AC. 1950. Cape May-flies. Part V. The family Ecdyonuridae. Piscator 4(13):19-23. PDF
Harrison AC. 1950. Cape May-flies. Part VI. The family Baetidae. Piscator 4(14):51-55. PDF
Harrison AC. 1950. Cape May-flies. Part VII. The family Baetidae (continued). Piscator 4(15):80-81. PDF
Harrison AC. 1950. Cape May-flies. Part VIII. The family Baetidae (continued). Piscator 4(16):112-115. PDF
Harrison AC. 1951. Cape May-flies. Part IX. The famuliy Brachycercidae. (continued). Piscator 5(18):48-50. PDF
Harrison AC. 1951. Cape May-flies. Part X. The famuliy Ephemerellidae: "blue-winged olives". Piscator 5(19):75-78. PDF
Harrison AD. 1958. The effects of sulphuric acid pollution on the biology of streams in the Transvaal, South Africa. Verh. Internat. Ver. Limnol. 13:603-610. PDF
Harrison AD. 1965. Geographical distribution of riverine invertebrates in southern Africa. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 61(3):387-394. PDF
Harrison AD. 1965. River zonation in southern Africa. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 61(3):380-386. PDF
Harrison AD. 1966. Recolonisation of a Rhodesian stream after drought. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 62(3):405-421. PDF
Harrison AD. 1978. Freshwater invertebrates (except molluscs). Pages 1139-1152 in Werger MJA; van Bruggen AC (eds) Biogeography and ecology of southern Africa, Dr W. Junk Publishers, the Hague. PDF
Harrison AD; Agnew JD. 1962. The distribution of invertebrates endemic to acid streams in the Western and Southern Cape Province. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums 2:273-291. PDF
Harrison AD; Barnard KH. 1972. The stream fauna of an isolate mountain massif; Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 40(3):135-153. PDF
Harrison AD; Elsworth JF. 1958. Hydrobiological studies on the Great Berg River, Western Cape Province. Quantitative studies on sandy bottoms, notes on tributaries and further information on the fauna, arranged systematically. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 35(3):227-276.
Harrison AD; Elsworth JF. 1958. Hydrobiological studies on the Great Berg River, Western Cape Province. General description, chemical studies and main features of the flora and fauna. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 35(3):125-226, pl. 12-16.
Harrison AD; Hynes HBN. 1988. Benthic fauna of Ethiopian mountain streams and rivers. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplement 81:1-36. PDF
Harrison AD; Rankin JJ. 1975. Forest litter and stream fauna on a tropical island, St. Vincent, West Indies. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 19:1736-1745. PDF
Harrison CMH. 1958. Some recent records of Ephemera lineata Eaton and Potamanthus luteus (L.) (Ephemeroptera). Entomologists Monthly Magazine 94:280. PDF
Hart DS; Brusven MA. 1976. Comparison of benthic insect communities in six small Idaho batholith streams. Melanderia 23:1-18.
Harthun M. 1999. Der Einfluß des Bibers (Castor fiber albicus) auf die Fauna (Odonata, Mollusca, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Diptera) von Mittelgebirgsbächen in Hessen (Deutschland). The influence of the European beaver (Castor fiber albicus) on the biodiversity (Odonata, Mollusca, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Diptera) of brooks in Hesse (Germany). Limnologica 29:449-464. [1.6 Mb] PDF
Hartland-Rowe R. 1953. Feeding mechanism of an ephemeropteran nymph. Nature 172:1109-1110. PDF
Hartland-Rowe R. 1955. Lunar rhythm in the emergence of an ephemeropteran. Nature 176:657. PDF
Hartland-Rowe R. 1958. The biology of a tropical mayfly Povilla adusta Navás (Ephemeroptera, Polymitarcidae) with special reference to the lunar rhythm of emergence. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 58(3-4):185-202. PDF
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